Study- the Effect of Different Photoperiods on Yield


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Another donation to the greedy 'clicky-click club' just busting 700 plus members,(lol) stop begging the membership for cash and you just might grow???

another pertinent aussie lab paper that will never get read or understood

good luck with that

comment don't bother Im never here why would any?

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Interesting read mate, I wonder how much the Muppets wasted on this "experiment" though In summary, our results showed that distinct varieties can exhibit markedly different responses to changes in photoperiod length, and the standard photoperiod for the flowering phase of 12L:12D is not optimal for all varieties. In particular, cannabinoid yields (g cannabinoid plant−1) can be more than doubled by increasing the photoperiod during the flowering phase from 12 h to 14 h, as demonstrated by the Cannatonic line, with the increase in cannabinoid yields driven by gains in both flower biomass and flower cannabinoid concentration. A 14L > 10L photoperiod also achieved a strong yield benefit which utilises the same number of light hours as 12L and therefore incurs no extra electricity costs. For one high-THC line, a 14L > 12L photoperiod increased THC yields by 49%, driven by a gain in biomass only (no change in % THC), whereas a second high-THC line did not show any significant differences. As this treatment also benefitted Cannatonic, this may be the best “all-round” treatment optimal for mixed cultivation and untested varieties.


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Damn all the 14h plants look like ass. Might be more bio mass but severe decline in bag appeal, be good if your only growing for concentrates.

Found out why

Edit: I will throw my opinion here and say this is the kind of research I’m glad to see but from legalisation. Challenging the pre conceived notions established, but maybe not perfected, by hobbiests over the last few decades.
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Here is something new for most here.

Some are finishing the last ten days before harvest on 18/6.
with favourable reports.
Now thats one I haven't heard before. Seen mates drop to 10.5 or raise to 14 depending on their mood, but 18 is a new one.

I've had a few fast flowering photos that have started flowering with 15 hours light indoors and i left there out of interest, but they ended up re-vegging about three weeks into flower.
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The man your mother warned you about.
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The guy from Erie genetics talks about it ,,some of his followers have tried it and we’re happy ,,I think yield was the main improvement ,,
but you really gotta know the strain and it’s finishing times ,,
He keeps it at ten days so revegg doesn’t kick in.


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The guy from Erie genetics talks about it ,,some of his followers have tried it and we’re happy ,,I think yield was the main improvement ,,
but you really gotta know the strain and it’s finishing times ,,
He keeps it at ten days so revegg doesn’t kick in.


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Interesting read mate, I wonder how much the Muppets wasted on this "experiment" though In summary, our results showed that distinct varieties can exhibit markedly different responses to changes in photoperiod length, and the standard photoperiod for the flowering phase of 12L:12D is not optimal for all varieties. In particular, cannabinoid yields (g cannabinoid plant−1) can be more than doubled by increasing the photoperiod during the flowering phase from 12 h to 14 h, as demonstrated by the Cannatonic line, with the increase in cannabinoid yields driven by gains in both flower biomass and flower cannabinoid concentration. A 14L > 10L photoperiod also achieved a strong yield benefit which utilises the same number of light hours as 12L and therefore incurs no extra electricity costs. For one high-THC line, a 14L > 12L photoperiod increased THC yields by 49%, driven by a gain in biomass only (no change in % THC), whereas a second high-THC line did not show any significant differences. As this treatment also benefitted Cannatonic, this may be the best “all-round” treatment optimal for mixed cultivation and untested varieties.
I had to read it twice,really.

Interesting analysis.


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Now thats one I haven't heard before. Seen mates drop to 10.5 or raise to 14 depending on their mood, but 18 is a new one.

I've had a few fast flowering photos that have started flowering with 15 hours light indoors and i left there out of interest, but they ended up re-vegging about three weeks into flower.
That sux bro , make ya fuckn cry 😢


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Not like I didn't expect it haha. Seeing them crown up at 15hrs was confusing enough..

Luckily once flipped back to 12 they kept stacking, but it was a two week excursion mid flower.
Wow,I'm keen to hear a more detailed version of that whenever you get 5 man..


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Not like I didn't expect it haha. Seeing them crown up at 15hrs was confusing enough..

Luckily once flipped back to 12 they kept stacking, but it was a two week excursion mid flower.
So if I took a healthy clone now of outdoor and reveged would it effect the quality of the next flower time.??
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