Butter Machines 2023


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Hey All, I'm looking at having a crack at making tinctures, edibles, etc.. a subject I'm not familiar with. Anyway because my stove is a complete bastard that won't simmer. I'm looking at one of these butter machines and I have no idea which are better brands leading into this year. I've heard the MagicButter brand being quite popular, but I'm wondering if there's any brand out there doing a better job of it and is reasonably priced?

Also, I'll probably be intending to do batches between 1oz and 2oz at a time.

Anyone got any advice or ideas?

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I don’t have much faith in magic butter, as the first machine I bought was faulty and wouldn’t turn on. The second machine I got worked once and then died. I’m on my third Machine, fingers crossed this one lasts.

Besides having a few dodgy machines it works pretty well


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If you want to start before you buy a machine, you could try a double boiler on your stove, a slow cooker or a rice cooker.
Long and slow seems to be the go (at least a couple of hours) for maximum decarb with minimum other changes to the herb.
From what I have been able to find out the target temperature should be in the range 100 -110°c.
You can pick up budget cookers from the supermarkets starting around $25 (and get a jar of organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil at the same time).
Start with some smaller batches first to see how you go.

Aye Shroomer

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I decarb in mason jars in the oven. Low heat. 45min, shake the jars every 15min ( use oven mits 🤪)

I’ve also got a thermomix which is just an overpriced cooker lol, but my coconut oil infused well using it.

I’m going to make a salve soon with beeswax and calendula cream


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I'll be forever grateful to Dott for turning me on to the slowcooker method. I have a smaller one that's perfect for small batches. No muss to fuss and the temps are regulated. Next batch will be coconut oil for turmeric coconut bedtime cookies. Brownies are making me fat (ter).


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Pressure cookers are also very good for extraction if you have one. Just put the herb in a jar with enough coconut oil or clarified butter to cover the herb, lid on loosely. Put it on the trivet and pressure cook for 1 hour to decarb. Let it cool naturally, don't open (overnight is best) then repeat for a complete decarb/extract.

More detail here


Sultan Of Soil
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ive had / used the magic butter machine , does the job , one button push for butter or tincture which is handy but it is a little over priced you could def use the other machines mentioned above for alot less cost & a bit of working out of heat & times
the only thing i'd add is buy some good pure alcohol & before you attempt to extract into a butter or oil , give the herb a lite spray with the alcohol , it'll soften the T heads & help the extraction process to get more into your carrier & leave less behind on the herb


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I picked up a "Optimum MagiCook PRO" for $220 while they where on special a while back. Does the same job as the MB2E with the added function of a decarb setting. It comes with some accessories too, micron extraction bags, silicon glove, spatular, butter & gummie molds. Have used it twice so far and results were good.

They seem to have gone up a little since I bought mine, but I've got a discount code for $20 off you can use, if you decide to go that route (y)


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I picked up a "Optimum MagiCook PRO" for $220 while they where on special a while back. Does the same job as the MB2E with the added function of a decarb setting. It comes with some accessories too, micron extraction bags, silicon glove, spatular, butter & gummie molds. Have used it twice so far and results were good.

They seem to have gone up a little since I bought mine, but I've got a discount code for $20 off you can use, if you decide to go that route (y)
I wish I had seen that before I bought my magic butter that one comes with a lot of accessories with the magic butter you only get rubber glove & filtration bag that’s it


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Cheers, Fella's. You've all offered up some good advice that i was previously unaware of. If i had a decent stove top i could try the double boiler, but the bugga is useless at keeping a regular temp, should've realised a $100 2nd hand Stove top would have some issues with it.

But i do have a couple of slow cookers, i might fire them up and see what temp range they work in, and give that a go if they're good for it.

The reason though i was looking at a butter machine is because i was looking at something where i can set the heat and timer up and leave it be, so i can get on with my day with other jobs, as most days i don't have the time to constantly monitor something.

But yeah, you guys have been really helpful so far. Muchly appreciated. Feel free to add more to expand on this subject, as i am pretty clueless.

My last attempt (20 odd years ago) resulted in the butter separating, a foul smell in the kitchen for days, and i had to bin the lot. 😄


The man your mother warned you about.
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I decarb in mason jars in the oven. Low heat. 45min, shake the jars every 15min ( use oven mits 🤪)

I’ve also got a thermomix which is just an overpriced cooker lol, but my coconut oil infused well using it.

I’m going to make a salve soon with beeswax and calendula cream
Keep us informed with making the balm ,,,I bought some a few years back for a mates boy that had lots of eczema,,worked real well for him ,,just never gotten around to make some myself but
someone elses kid has it too and need to make some.


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I've been using a Nova for a couple years. I use it sporadically, but it does the job well. There are certainly cheaper ways to get the job done. But the simplicity is great, I use it stoned and don't stuff it up! Also, it's good a keeping most of the smell under control. You'll probably smell it a bit in the room you're using it, but you won't be alerting the neighbours like my oven-brownies of youth...

durban kid

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Cheers, Fella's. You've all offered up some good advice that i was previously unaware of. If i had a decent stove top i could try the double boiler, but the bugga is useless at keeping a regular temp, should've realised a $100 2nd hand Stove top would have some issues with it.

But i do have a couple of slow cookers, i might fire them up and see what temp range they work in, and give that a go if they're good for it.

The reason though i was looking at a butter machine is because i was looking at something where i can set the heat and timer up and leave it be, so i can get on with my day with other jobs, as most days i don't have the time to constantly monitor something.

But yeah, you guys have been really helpful so far. Muchly appreciated. Feel free to add more to expand on this subject, as i am pretty clueless.

My last attempt (20 odd years ago) resulted in the butter separating, a foul smell in the kitchen for days, and i had to bin the lot
i use a slow cooker works a treat for the canna milk i find that so much easier than making butter and you can still use it for cooking and freeze as cubes and add to the morning coffee or evening one and sleep is easy
have made many different strength batches to the point where we were using a cheese grater to shave some off a cube one was way to potent hehehehe


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Oh mate I had a brand new magical butter machine for sale a week ago mate that's a shame I just sold it on Monday.

If edibles or tinctures are your thing than I couldn't recommend this beaut little machine enough.

Same can't be said for the filter Lol


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I picked up a "Optimum MagiCook PRO" for $220 while they where on special a while back. Does the same job as the MB2E with the added function of a decarb setting. It comes with some accessories too, micron extraction bags, silicon glove, spatular, butter & gummie molds. Have used it twice so far and results were good.

They seem to have gone up a little since I bought mine, but I've got a discount code for $20 off you can use, if you decide to go that route (y)
Optimum Magicook Pro, is the best choice in Australia by far. They are really reliable, easy to use and they have fantastic customer service


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MB's work OK - I find one of the biggest problems is decarbing properly.

Their solution is a bit shit. I use the Ardent Nova, for smaller batches you can also use them to infuse oils.

I might have a look at the optimum though.
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