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The man your mother warned you about.
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Long time ago yes ..
but was It so important to YOU to remind someone else of when they first got here ?

what did he do that upset you anyway ,,,?

if your gonna dish it out you gotta learn how to take it in return.

have YOU looked in the mirror lately ?


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You must only read and see what you want to , he made a comment about noobs , reminding him of his performances when he arrived

He brought something up that he had no knowledge about and was long b4 he arrived

It's done you want to bring back up fine


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A tapestry of diverse yet similar and complementary polytheistic cultures, ethnic traditions and civilisations, ceased to exist when an eastern, strange, expansive and intolerant religion moved in forcefully and demanded the total disappearance of everything that people knew, held as sacred and preserved as social and spiritual values.

What followed this unprecedented invasion in Europe, is more or less well known. Absolute cultural and cognitive collapse, barbarity, monotheism, superstition, hatred for everything that existed previously, political autocracy and an insane, all invasive theocracy, moral decline, abasement, genocide and ethnocide and of course the flames.

Flames that sprang and consumed unlucky human beings, masterpieces of art and literature, everything that was directly or indirectly representing the old “pagan” world that the new rulers craved to exterminate.

The worst consequence of all these calamities was the destruction of the self-awareness of the polytheistic “ethne” of Europe and the gradual erasure of their ethnic memory.

How European true identity was destroyed when christianity moved in



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Found online that the US government has some sorta patent on canabanoids.
(I'm not a reader, or a smart cunt, plus a tad stoned but interesting never the less)

Google US patent 6630507
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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View attachment 23092

A tapestry of diverse yet similar and complementary polytheistic cultures, ethnic traditions and civilisations, ceased to exist when an eastern, strange, expansive and intolerant religion moved in forcefully and demanded the total disappearance of everything that people knew, held as sacred and preserved as social and spiritual values.

What followed this unprecedented invasion in Europe, is more or less well known. Absolute cultural and cognitive collapse, barbarity, monotheism, superstition, hatred for everything that existed previously, political autocracy and an insane, all invasive theocracy, moral decline, abasement, genocide and ethnocide and of course the flames.

Flames that sprang and consumed unlucky human beings, masterpieces of art and literature, everything that was directly or indirectly representing the old “pagan” world that the new rulers craved to exterminate.

The worst consequence of all these calamities was the destruction of the self-awareness of the polytheistic “ethne” of Europe and the gradual erasure of their ethnic memory.

How European true identity was destroyed when christianity moved in

Dead jew on a stick!!
Fucking classic!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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Dead jew on a stick!!
Fucking classic!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Literally yes, according to the punishment of the times.

Crucifixion’s a Doddle by Julian Doyle, uses ancient texts, religious artworks and the bible itself to refute some of the most common-held beliefs about the death of Jesus.

EVERYTHING you know about Jesus' death is wrong – He wasn't even crucified

If he even existed that is.

From the reference above: "The word stauros comes from the Ancient Greek histemi: ‘straighten up’, the same root from which come the German Stern or the English ‘stand’.

In classical Greek, until the early 4th century BC, stauros meant an upright stake, pole or which might be used in impaling. In the literature of that time it never means two pieces of timber placed across one another at any angle but always one piece alone."

So there is no reason to believe Jesus was on a cross at all, nor that the 2000 in the revolt were. In fact, it would almost be impossible.

They were tied or nailed to a stake or even impaled, a la Vlad the Impaler and it would all be translated by us centuries later as ‘Crucifixion’.

Doyle's research questions the popular image of the immense wooden cross when there were so few trees in Judea. He points out that the Romans executed criminals by impaling them, tying or nailing them to a stake, while jewish law preferred stoning them.

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