Looking to see if some one can point me in the right direction starting out looking for seed supplier a member called old fox gave me some but


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starting out looking for seed supplier a member called old fox gave me some, but I was homeless for 12 months back on feet looking for kind member to help get life restarted and help with seed information and if Old Fox is still a member Thankyou for seeds happy to buy some of you or any one else

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Goonie Goat

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starting out looking for seed supplier a member called old fox gave me some, but I was homeless for 12 months back on feet looking for kind member to help get life restarted and help with seed information and if Old Fox is still a member Thankyou for seeds happy to buy some of you or any one else
Become a community member (be community orientated) and participate in the seed competitions.


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starting out looking for seed supplier a member called old fox gave me some, but I was homeless for 12 months back on feet looking for kind member to help get life restarted and help with seed information and if Old Fox is still a member Thankyou for seeds happy to buy some of you or any one else
$5 a month to become a community member, plenty of seed comps and sharing to be had....


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@Billygoat it's funny how difficult it can be to get someone to part with $5 to become a full fledged member, whilst the current members paid their dues and probably spent $5k between us on seed the past month 🤣
I know right! Far out, @Sedge throws them round like confetti!

Hi Arnie.

Join the TSE community.
It will give you very cheap access to ALL the strains available on TSE.

Thanks mate, your support is awesome.

Maybe have a 30 buck first sign up fee and get 5 free seeds 😆

I like this idea! 😂
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