[Experiment] Tomatoes in straight coco and bunnings hydro nutes

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it yieled a few bunches, pretty much scrapped now, was surprised but not as good as if it was in the ground in soil, might of been too crowded in the tote or the tote got too hot or the coco couldn;t hold enough water or the nutes lacking that all important phosphorus like i mentioned

Goonie Goat

User ID
it yieled a few bunches, pretty much scrapped now, was surprised but not as good as if it was in the ground in soil, might of been too crowded in the tote or the tote got too hot or the coco couldn;t hold enough water or the nutes lacking that all important phosphorus like i mentioned
Do your tomatoes get that brown spot shit on the leaves and keel over?

Harry bootlace

Community Member
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Do your tomatoes get that brown spot shit on the leaves and keel over?
Mine do. You need to do a bit of work in the soil or if in pots get new mix.
Black fungus or something.

There’s some stuff at Bunnings to add to soil, but I reckon you need to stop growing tomato’s in the bed for a year or maybe a few and get rid of the problem.
Then each year rotate or don’t grow in the same bed for a season.
I can’t grow tomato’s for shit. So strange.
But I think my soil is infected with this stuff bad :)

Goonie Goat

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Mine do. You need to do a bit of work in the soil or if in pots get new mix.
Black fungus or something.

There’s some stuff at Bunnings to add to soil, but I reckon you need to stop growing tomato’s in the bed for a year or maybe a few and get rid of the problem.
Then each year rotate or don’t grow in the same bed for a season.
I can’t grow tomato’s for shit. So strange.
But I think my soil is infected with this stuff bad :)
Yeah they are in pots, definitely some kind of disease/virus, I did search it up just before and it looks like it could be 1 of 3 things. Such a shame, all heirloom varieties I grew from seed, was lucky to get 5 fruits from 10+ plants.
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