Defoliated leaves and extraction


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I am looking for ways to make an concentrate from defoliated leaves. From my understanding, please correct me if I am wrong on this, there is no detachable from stalk trichomes on leaves such as fan leaves, so trying to sift via dry nor wet wouldn't work. I understand that the amount of the in fan leaves is minimal, however I am looking for ways other than smoking those leaves, as while it works fine, it just takes a few to get the benefits. So what techniques might work well when using more material than normal to extract from. It looks like there's a few ways where material is completely covered, but it looks like that might require a lot of solvent if there's a lot of material or in a similar sense a lot of fat/oil used for minimal amounts captured. I thought maybe could use the same alcohol to wash several batches of material, but I don't know how well the reused alcohol would work as a solvent after the first batch. Any ideas on the subject.

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Goonie Goat

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I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure there can be resin on the leaf stalks, I can see some on my vegging plants but it's a first for me. 100% alcohol is around $36 for 5 litres on eBay should be enough to do a load of iso washes. My last grow I made infused olive oil with my lower branches and leaf and it's quite strong but gives quite a different effect which creeps up on you. Bubble bags are pretty cheap and easy which was recommended to me by another member which i will probably try next time with some ice and a drill with a paddle attachment thing to agitate it all

Love to grow

Foot man
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I bubble bag my sugar leaf off the buds but not the shade leaf it’s just not worth the effort but I smash a smoothie a day with all the good shit in it chia seeds ginger goji berries a few powders mixed frozen berries banana Fkn heaps of shit and I throw 5/6 shadeys in there dunno if it helps any but y not I thought 😂👍 I’ve got plenty of buds left but no shadeys I need a shade leaf hook up don’t really pluck mine after week 3😂👍


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I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure there can be resin on the leaf stalks, I can see some on my vegging plants but it's a first for me. 100% alcohol is around $36 for 5 litres on eBay should be enough to do a load of iso washes. My last grow I made infused olive oil with my lower branches and leaf and it's quite strong but gives quite a different effect which creeps up on you. Bubble bags are pretty cheap and easy which was recommended to me by another member which i will probably try next time with some ice and a drill with a paddle attachment thing to agitate it all
Yes there is resin on leaf stalks. I wondered if ice cold water would remove all the resin off fan leaves, cause I thought the current of the water only loosened the detachable heads off sugar leaves and bud, unless excessive force is used and the small particles of plant material breaks off that have resin on them, I might have misunderstood how that works

Goonie Goat

User ID
Yes there is resin on leaf stalks. I wondered if ice cold water would remove all the resin off fan leaves, cause I thought the current of the water only loosened the detachable heads off sugar leaves and bud, unless excessive force is used and the small particles of plant material breaks off that have resin on them, I might have misunderstood how that works
Yeah not sure never done cold water extractions before only iso wash and olive oil


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Dry ice (y) ...but probably not worth the time, money or effort 🤷‍♂️.
True, not worth the effort unless the dry ice was free. Only reason looking at options is cause we have been without buds for so long in the household that we are using the leaves in the meantime, but after a couple months it adds up on the ol' lungs smoking more than needed if it were buds instead. Not complaining, just seeing what options there may be


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I've used iso and a hash tumbler to extract or remove the trichomes. Obviously, the more 'sugar' the better.
As for the shade leaves, just biff 'em. You could cook them up with some butter (the fats absorb the THC) but for some the taste can be a bit much (Peppermint extract is your friend, masks that flavour a bit.) but your not going to get much of a buzz from shade leaves.


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Yeah my thoughts were butter, you’d be surprised what the unsmokeable bits will produce. Then a butter rich recipe with flavours to hide the taste 👍
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