Trump Suggests ‘Genetically Engineered’ Cannabis May Be Causing Mass Shootings


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Title says it all really (y)

@ 3:40:46 (link to timestamp)

saus :

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Unfortunately remarks like that aren't really the fault of the individual

We're all seen the moves back then , reefer madness , if you haven't seen it you should watch and then you'll understand the position older members of society have

Remember cannabis tincture etc We're readily available at any drug store in the 1920s

They had to have a reason to get this made illegal so the big pharma companies could build their empires

It wasn't until the 60s that opinions were changing again

Also the US government used drug laws for as a form of racism, check what Ronald Regan used drug laws for

The amount of black ppl serving long periods of time in jail for as little as 3 grams was unbelievable it could happen , but wasn't a 1 off , this was the case for many black Americans

Not only Were they black they smoked weed , they must be evil


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Trump Suggests ‘Genetically Engineered’ Cannabis May Be Causing Mass Shootings​

The stupid American's that spout his shit are called 'Republicans', in Oz they're called the 'Liberal Party'.
Doesn't that just say it all.


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The unfortunate part is he probably be re elected by stupid fuck wit American. He's just as much as a parasite as most Americans are.
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Those bible bashing fuckwits that make up half of America lap that shit up. Then the other 40% (the survivalist gun toting fuckwits) go with it so they don't lose their "Right to bear arms EVERYWHERE!" That only leaves the intellectuals, The 10% minority (stoners) to argue reason.

Ha, what a fucked up country we're steering towards. :rolleyes:


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That'd work for me. Just be a shame his legacy would taint some of the other ones that met a similar fate.

Do a Harold Holt off the Coast of Florida Keys.


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Assassination would be my dream! 😂
In all honesty, I'm REALLY surprised it hasn't happened yet, considering the U.S. and their gun laws... ...Surely
Quick, pass that man a (genetically engineered) joint 🎯
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Sultan Of Soil
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i agree with the Trump sentiment mentioned above & i think we all agree Americans are a little on the special side , but i think it shows how sick & tired they are of there corrupt political system

they're prepared to vote him in over the faceless political fuckers that constantly rape & pillage US citizens solely for there own financial benefit

Australia is on the same path & have been for some time now , not sure we'll get to the heights of the Americans but we'll come dam close i reckon

just like the Americans we need a new political system , as a citizen of oz i for one am sick of only ever getting any little benefit "only" when it's a byproduct of politicians looking after themselves , feathering there own nests
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