Recommend a pH Soil Tester?


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Can anyone recommend a pH Soil Tester? It's something i've never considered, and i'm looking for something general purpose for around the yard. Not real keen on the liquid/dye ones, was looking more towards the probe ones, or is there anything else better? Not wanting to spend too much on it, probably pull up around the $40 mark.

Cheers (y)

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Goonie Goat

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These have okay reviews, obviously it isn't a bluelab or hanna meter but the comments say it's close enough

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
Community Member
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The entry price probes can be highly inaccurate. I tried one outdoors, and compared it to the dye version ( soil slurry test) which did a more reasonable job in comparison. The dye kit ok for getting an indication of ph with a plus or minus accuracy of 0.5ph. Otherwise you get into some expensive prices for probes with higher accuracy readings. I found the dye kit from Bunnings good enough for growing various crops directly in the ground( I.e. not in pots)


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Bugga, that's what I was fearing about the cheapish probes, not real accurate. I guess I'll have to go the slurry test like @Old fox mentioned due to the fact it'll be just odd test, from time to time (id be happy with 0.5+/-). I threw some Gypsum/Dolomite around the place 6 months ago and I'm wanting to see if I should add more, or lay off it.

@HGO Nice bit of kit, no doubt it serves you well. Ideal for someone like yourself with similar grow style. :cool:


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Thanks for the feedback.. I guessed the cheap probes may not be so accurate. Soil dye versions aren’t practice for live soil with top dress layers and getting access to test lower layers.

Blue labs look like the go. 👍
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