Mealy bug . Now aphids . Just need to find some spider mites and I have a full house

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Goonie Goat

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Unfortunate. I had a cluster of black aphids on parts of a little lime tree. Mixed some isopropyl alcohol with water and sprayed them with it. It worked well but I guess it wouldn't be a good idea on ya plants, would strip the resin clean off. I've had green aphids before completely covering tomato's and I used a synthetic nicotine pesticide called Imidacloprid, I steeped the granules in boiling water and sprayed the plants with it. The next day I checked them and every single aphid was dead.. The product was called 'David Gray's systemic bug killer'. It is pretty much a nerve agent and paralyzes anything that tries eating the plants. It says it gives the plants 6 weeks of protection and to not consume anything in that timeframe but I reckon it would stay in the plant longer than that.. I haven't used it since (don't want nicotine buds) but apparently it's used on loads of commercial supermarket fruit and veg. I have a few gnats at this moment and the bti mozzie dunks seem to be doing fk all but I have found a product online called cx tanlin drops which apparently works well and is safe for consumable crops, apparently it's a Chitosan extract which kills larvae in the soil so may be good for getting the baby aphids on the plant
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Love to grow

Foot man
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Get some pure crop.
Yep I second the pure crop 1 suggestion I thought it was another yank gimmick but nope she works well it does as a weekly preventative spray anyway dunno bout killing an actual infestation as I haven’t had 1 touchwood 👍 prevention is key with any bugs and for that the pure crop works a treat it’s pretty pricey though but it also stops all molds and mildews in its tracks they say u can spray the day before harvest and it tests clean I haven’t tried the spraying the flowers thing as I stop all sprays at budding time but if I got a bad bug problem in flower that’s what I’d use👍


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Yep I second the pure crop 1 suggestion I thought it was another yank gimmick but nope she works well it does as a weekly preventative spray anyway dunno bout killing an actual infestation as I haven’t had 1 touchwood 👍 prevention is key with any bugs and for that the pure crop works a treat it’s pretty pricey though but it also stops all molds and mildews in its tracks they say u can spray the day before harvest and it tests clean I haven’t tried the spraying the flowers thing as I stop all sprays at budding time but if I got a bad bug problem in flower that’s what I’d use👍
Lost coast plant therapy works for me.
Tried pure crop and it did not do anything for aphids or mites. Also browned pistils at week 4. Heard of other having issues as well.

Love to grow

Foot man
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Lost coast plant therapy works for me.
Tried pure crop and it did not do anything for aphids or mites. Also browned pistils at week 4. Heard of other having issues as well.
Well I can only go from experience as I said I only use it as a preventative not a cure my plants in veg actually seem to like it n I never get mold or bugs could be luck who knows?


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I've used Eco oil concentrate (not the neem) with good results, especially with mites. Can be sprayed on edible crops so safe to 'consume'. I'm using outdoor once a week leading up to flowering to avoid having to spray the buds, but its OK if you have to.


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mate, you have had some serious pest related setback this run. How's your proximity to gardens or are you in and out of other overgrown areas? Apart from flat mites once and the odd gnat I've never had any pests inside over close to three years. I did however have my fair share of battles with pillars and false mites outside.

I'd be sussing out reasons for consistent influx of pests as I'd hate to see further issues as your first effort was stellar. Judging by your effort your second grow will be amazing and I'd hate to see more pest issues dissuade a keen grower from success..

Hope it all pulls together and you get a flawless run second time around, but I'd be looking for reasons for pest influx as they shouldn't be making their way inside that often (however I don't actually know where your tent is set up).

When it comes to pest treatment, I'm old-school and generally use citric acid, potassium sorbate and Castile soap as the ingredients are cheap.


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mate, you have had some serious pest related setback this run. How's your proximity to gardens or are you in and out of other overgrown areas? Apart from flat mites once and the odd gnat I've never had any pests inside over close to three years. I did however have my fair share of battles with pillars and false mites outside.

I'd be sussing out reasons for consistent influx of pests as I'd hate to see further issues as your first effort was stellar. Judging by your effort your second grow will be amazing and I'd hate to see more pest issues dissuade a keen grower from success..

Hope it all pulls together and you get a flawless run second time around, but I'd be looking for reasons for pest influx as they shouldn't be making their way inside that often (however I don't actually know where your tent is set up).

When it comes to pest treatment, I'm old-school and generally use citric acid, potassium sorbate and Castile soap as the ingredients are cheap.
I made the mistake of raising the seeds out in the garden then bringing them in to the tent. (never again) So I imported the crap from my garden. It only takes one fertile female . Came in on the plant or in the soil. Most likely in the potting mix as the ones in hydro coco didn't cop as much. For now I wash all buds as I harvest. Have already sanitised the drying tent. As soon as all finished I will sanitise the grow room ( a couple of times) Not sure about the led light yet Might take it outside and use compressed air.
thanks for your concerns.


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I made the mistake of raising the seeds out in the garden then bringing them in to the tent. (never again) So I imported the crap from my garden. It only takes one fertile female . Came in on the plant or in the soil. Most likely in the potting mix as the ones in hydro coco didn't cop as much. For now I wash all buds as I harvest. Have already sanitised the drying tent. As soon as all finished I will sanitise the grow room ( a couple of times) Not sure about the led light yet Might take it outside and use compressed air.
thanks for your concerns.
Ahhh the good old outside to inside. That'll do it.
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