Aye’s Cacti Grows

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Aye Shroomer

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Nice one man 👍 I just harvested a bunch of San Pedro time to make some tea 🌵
That’s awesome.
So do you make up a big batch and share it around or do you store it.

I’ve had success freezing shroom tea in ice cubes. I’m sure mescaline tea could work the same way.


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@Aye Shroomer Fucking hell mate, we need to have a beer lol.
I got a little san Pedro in the garden I've just just keeping alive in a tiny pot until I decide if I'm gonna pot it in a nice pot or plant somewhere... just for shits and giggles as a token of my former ways/interests, no plan for extracting in the future.
No idea what sp. It is though.
Will grab a photo tonight.


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That’s awesome.
So do you make up a big batch and share it around or do you store it.

I’ve had success freezing shroom tea in ice cubes. I’m sure mescaline tea could work the same way.
Yer man make a big batch then go camping with some close friends an have a nice trippy time. I do like the mescaline crystal cuase U don't purge an no of that nasty ass taste but I just can't be fucked lol. I haven't tried keep for a long time but I'm shore it would be fine 👍

Harry bootlace

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Looking at internet I think it’s something else
Peruvian apple I think.
We do have another plant that I’m pretty sure is a psychedelic. A tree with large ballon like flowers. Forget the name now.

I am not game to try it as I had some bad experiences with datura in my youth, although at the time I thought it was “interesting “.

Harry bootlace

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Yeah. I have this in the yard. Seems to be related to datura
I’m too old for this sort of fun, but still.

Datura is one Ive stayed away from mate I just stick to the mushrooms,cacti, DMT for natural trips 👍

Harry bootlace

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Yeah. Last time I had it ended up in a psych ward at hospital.
The hallucinations were out of this world but so believable that I had no idea I was tripping. Just thought it was real. Every so often I’d remember I’d taken something but forget straight away.

Was growing weed at the time and it was Xmas. There was a Xmas tree on the ward that I thought was my sole plant so I was stripping it and stuffing the branches under my bed to hide from the nurses ( that never occurred to me was strange there was nurses in my “bedroom”).

My friend and I got taken to hospital after he went into my parents house and put his hands on the pot belly stove which was light. They came outside to ask me what he had taken only to find me in the same state.
My poor dad stayed with us in hospital and watched as we did all sorts of crazy shit.

Vision was altered for days. Colours were different, like blue became green. But felt sober so that was interesting. The trip was just like a crazy dream where you don’t realise how crazy it is until you wake up.

Was Carlos Castinada’s fault. We were reading his books at the time and thought we struck gold.


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Yeah. Last time I had it ended up in a psych ward at hospital.
The hallucinations were out of this world but so believable that I had no idea I was tripping. Just thought it was real. Every so often I’d remember I’d taken something but forget straight away.

Was growing weed at the time and it was Xmas. There was a Xmas tree on the ward that I thought was my sole plant so I was stripping it and stuffing the branches under my bed to hide from the nurses ( that never occurred to me was strange there was nurses in my “bedroom”).

My friend and I got taken to hospital after he went into my parents house and put his hands on the pot belly stove which was light. They came outside to ask me what he had taken only to find me in the same state.
My poor dad stayed with us in hospital and watched as we did all sorts of crazy shit.

Vision was altered for days. Colours were different, like blue became green. But felt sober so that was interesting. The trip was just like a crazy dream where you don’t realise how crazy it is until you wake up.

Was Carlos Castinada’s fault. We were reading his books at the time and thought we struck gold.
Wow that sounds full on man. I got told by some old school trippers to stear clear an these lads were in to everything so I new when they said stay away to listen to there advice

Goonie Goat

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I have some Loph Decipiens right now in takeaway tubs and they are not really doing much but at least i havent killed them yet haha.. also got some Bolivian torches and San Pedro going. Im gonna probably spray them with peroxide because it looks a bit rank (especially the pedro's) but apart from that its going well. i reckon you should try the decipiens, better germ rates than the torches for me, pic 1 is the loph decipiens, 2 torches, 3 pedro


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