Young seedling enviornment


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When using a humidity dome for freshly germinated seeds, how long do you like to keep them in the dome what kind of schedule do you like to use for the opening of the vents. I remember doing cuttings before with a domedome and I went closed for the first week almost the vents with a misting 3 times a day, then over the next week gradually opened and left dome off for so many hours. But I have never used one for fresh seedlings, anyone like to share their experience or tips

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Fine to use a humidity dome, but as soon as seedling appears through the medium, remove the dome. Don't delay waiting to see the cotyledons or you risk dampening off
What Foxy said…

I just wet the soil and put a small glass jam jar over the pot until it pops out of soil then take jar off straight away…

By the time it pops its head up its tail is deep enough to not need massive humidity.

Having said that… this is in a 60%RH grow room… If your room is much drier than that it might pose probs…

I would say peeps are more likely to keep them too damp than too dry…
Same for watering bigger plants..


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If you haven't done it yet, it might be worthwhile to have a gentle intermittent breeze blowing across the top of them like a oscillating fan provides. It'll help strengthen the stems and reduce excessive stretch to some extent.

Don't have it blowing directly on them, aim it above them, to the point you see the seedling moving a little bit. Too much of a breeze can damage them and inhibit good growth.


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Thanks, I have it blowing against a wall , so indirectly they're getting a little
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