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Is there a list of retailers and any discount codes from our sponsors. Looking towards tent & light.
Why is so much gear out of stock. For example Spiderfarmer tents, AC gear.

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Hey @SAW ,

Not sure sponsor is the right term. The Advertisers here support the community by financial support to have adverts on the site. They also choose weather to provide additional support by sponsoring competitions or giveaways etc. hope that makes sense. lol

Discount codes seem to come and go, but I would encourage you, or any member for that matter, to contact any business you see here and ask for a deal. I am sure they will be accommodating.

Stock of quality equipment does seem to be a problem, but realistically that seems to be the norm for quite a while now post covid, yeah?

Spiderfarmer dont rate a mention. They sell cheap, mass produced shite with zero local support. I would recommend not using their equipment in anything other than a shed or out house that you dont mind losing to fire.


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Thanks @Billygoat
Yeah I know your thoughts on SF, but my focus is their tents 😉
I’ll kit one out over time.
I’m prepared to pay more for quality and Australian support.
Thanks for quick reply mate 👍
PS I ended up going with Amazon, nice price 😎
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