Found a few local sellers on eBay who have a few different strains/varieties, a little bit expensive but for anyone interested there's:
Virginia Gold - mild cigarette
Burley - medium robust cigarette / pipe tobacco
Piloto - robust, needs to be blended for cigarettes, adds complexity and more nicotine, can be used as cigar wrappers.
Perique - used to impart flavours in both cigarette and pipe tobacco, needs to be flue cured / kiln dried
Havana - used as cigar wrappers, sweet floral taste, big leaves.
Shirazi Persian - oriental variety, adds spicy flavour, used to flavour pipe or cigarette tobacco
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N. PERSICA X 50 SEEDS. Different enough in fact, that it was once considered a different species "Nic0tiana persica". we do not condone the use of any of our plants in any particular way. NO ENVELOPES!
Perique is rare! Over the 12-18 month period, it takes on a very rich and pungent aroma. on its own Perique is a very dry & spicy herb, with a figgy and almost vinegary edge. N. Perique SEEDS X50.
Cuban Shade SEEDS X50. we do not condone the use of any of our plants in any particular way. NO ENVELOPES!
My pick would be a mix of Virginia Gold and Burley as the bulk filler (bread and butter) and the Shirazi (added sparingly like salt and pepper for flavour)
Piloto can be used to bump the strength up but could be harsh unless properly flue cured.