oh interesting! No daytime periods in heavy shade, It's always open to indirect light from the sky as it's directly under perspex roof, but the house does cut off the early hours of direct light until about 9 am. Another option is that she is just heavy on the preflowers... I've heard some strains are?The equinox is just the shortest day of the year, daylight hours will diminish leading up to the equinox. As soon as the day length is less than 12 hours it should initiate flowering.
Looking at the data Tassie (assuming Hobart) is getting ~14 hours of daylight currently, so you're right, it shouldn't be flowering yet.
Is it getting all the available sun throughout the day or is there a period when it is in heavy shade?
Yeah, sorry my bad. I'm always getting those terms confused. I'll go sit in the corner (I already own the hat)ps I think you are thinking of the winter solstice, the equinox is when night and day are equal 12/12 ; )))
yeah okay, I am in northern tas so not too far offIn Vic,should be in flo about now.