When’s day1?


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Was just wondering when day 1 is ? Was reading a post and they mentioned day 63 , is that 63 days from when seed is planted or when it sprouts or first set of leaves ? Any ideas? Cheers

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Depends on the particular post, whether it was talking about flowering time from first sign of white pistils on a photoperiod plant to then, or the post could have been reffering to from the first set true leaves, at least that's what I would think

Goonie Goat

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I'd like to know what others think about this also,
I thought day 1 was from the time the seedling first emerges from the media

As for day 63, probably means they are either autos (counting days from seed to harvest) or flowering photoperiods (counting days from flipping lights to harvest).
Could even be 63 days of veg but don't think many people veg their plants that long.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Day 1 veg, and Day 1 overall is when seedling rises up through the medium. Day 1 flowering is usually counted from when lights flip to 12/12. A minority of growers count day1 flowering from when buds start forming. However using this method It's harder to compare flowering times between different strains( or even phenos) as plants can and do start forming buds on different days


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Thanks for the clarification @Old fox
It was just bouncing around my pre caffeinated brain now…..
However outdoors it’s not so simple or at least I haven’t found the switch for the sun. I’ve sort of asked previously a similar question.
Outdoors you can only count from 1st flowers but…..
I’ve had girls that have regularly popped single flowers months before budding, girls that flower abit but keep growing etc.
It’s great for indoors where you have or attempt control of all factors but the only thing I think I’ve learnt is trust your judgment. Knowledge of strain traits and seed packet guides is a loose guide.
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Goonie Goat

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I’ve had girls that have regularly popped single flowers months before budding, girls that flower abit but keep growing etc.
Some photoperiods are able to do that, one strain from memory is Nevil's Early Skunk. Some might argue it had ruderalis autoflower genetics but according to him it was 100% photoperiod
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If it was my mention of day 63 recently, I was counting days since seedling popped through the medium, which was a few days after soaking, seeing a tail appear and placing it into a pot

Harry bootlace

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Outdoors I’ve never counted days for any part.
Weeks flowering would be about all. And I’d do that from approx when started really flowering. Not pre flowers.
But it’s pretty meaningless really unless your OCD like that.
Harvest when the plants ready not when the seed vendors tell you.

Indoors different kettle of fish. IMHO
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