What's making plants go 3 fingered


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Hello all.

I repotted these bad girls about a week to 10 days ago. I have 3 Planet of the grapes at the front but the 6 at the back are my GDP x and they have decided to give me the 3 fingers. All 6 are doing it.

I have re-vegged many times so i am familiar with that but this is weird because they have had around 18 hours without fail and they have only been doing this since repot. I did notice a rare few 3 fingers on my last GDP's here and there but these ones are nothing but 3's and they are growing fast. I have grown this same pheno for a year.. The P O T G's are normal and have had everything the same.

I'm ready to flip them now.

Anyone know why?
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The uniformity in which it's throwing three bladed is insane. You would think the trait would have showed its face before with that rate of uniformity this round. I've had a similar issue where a few plants decided to pop almost exclusively three and four finger leaves and couldn't find any reason for it. Looking lovely either way mate.

Just one of life's mysteries. On another note a lot of old heads swear that's a signifier the run is going to be a strong one haha (a strain you've grown many times suddenly pops 3 blade leaves) I've never taken stock on that one but let's hope for the best.


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mother plant health ?
mothers were fine. I did notice the odd 3 leaf on them but nothing noticeable.

These were ok when i potted them. Its GDP x BH so i think a few people here have grown it.

Not sure but i hope it's a sign of monster buds lol


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The uniformity in which it's throwing three bladed is insane. You would think the trait would have showed its face before with that rate of uniformity this round. I've had a similar issue where a few plants decided to pop almost exclusively three and four finger leaves and couldn't find any reason for it. Looking lovely either way mate.

Just one of life's mysteries. On another note a lot of old heads swear that's a signifier the run is going to be a strong one haha (a strain you've grown many times suddenly pops 3 blade leaves) I've never taken stock on that one but let's hope for the best.
I can say that these are far superior than the mothers were. Much thicker and stronger.


Sultan Of Soil
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you noticed the odd 3 leaf on the mother from the start or the mother developed it over time ?


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you noticed the odd 3 leaf on the mother from the start or the mother developed it over time ?
Yeah, not sure. I still have the mothers and after inspecting there are 3's but hard to say as they are late flower and were heavily defoliated. Although i didn't notice a problem when defoliating.

As i said i have been growing this for a least a year and never noticed anything. I took the clones before i flipped too

I have a feeling they are just very sensitive plants. They may have had slightly less than 18 hours and freaked out or something?

Was having a close look and some of the newest tips just coming out have what looks like 5's so maybe they just got confused. There has been no obvious reason for it though, that's why i posted.

Not much room left and have to flip now, Also need to clone them today so hoping it's no big deal.
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