What is the best additive for bud cycle


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Hi Guy's :)

What is the best additive for bud cycle, what do you use? which one worked best for you? :confused:

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Goonie Goat

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Don't need much besides potassium and phosphorus. Green Planet Massive Bloom is alright, has triacontanol which apparently increases yield and a few other things, it's organic of organic based too


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I use the same a +b throughout growth and flower. I add some nitrogen/cal mag in growth if necessary and add pk in different strengths throughout flower.


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That calmag brand has a really good silica additive Super Silica. Got a tester pack of their stuff for free and still using their roots additive, lasted ages
Nice. I've got a couple of their different additives, I have a mate that owns a hydro shop down here, so I get given lots of bits and pieces to try out.
I noticed no difference between that stuff and canna aqua nutes run side by side in dwc, other than cost 😂

Goonie Goat

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Nice. I've got a couple of their different additives, I have a mate that owns a hydro shop down here, so I get given lots of bits and pieces to try out.
I noticed no difference between that stuff and canna aqua nutes run side by side in dwc, other than cost 😂
Yeah bottles are fkn expensive 🤣, the plant mechanics roots 250ml additive is around $40 and silica $25 for 20ml, so I was pretty surprised getting that along with the calmag and pk bottles for free.
The silica is probably worth it but I'd be wasting half the bottle each res fill up if going by their dosages. I go through about 200ml of gp massive too if following the label. Good thing I've got dry nutes 🤣


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I used to add unsulfured Molasses 🤣 it did make a difference.. I will check them all out (y)
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