What has changed in the year since cannabis possession was legalised in the ACT?

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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So sniveling little cunt Greg Hunt was wrong again.
Good to see this article mate. Hopefully some of the other sucm/pollies will see whats happening in the ACT and fucking get on board with legalisation.


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Yep, same dickhead who opposed nicotine vaping even though it's been scientifically proven time and time again that it's a lot safer than smoking tobacco.
Hes up there with my most hated pollies.


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That's a good way to sum it up. I don't think previous and current drug prohibition legislation has done the world a complete favor. It was initially forged with good intentions (or was it?) and has it caused some serious problems that aren't properly addressed?

There should be more money spent on serious, early intervention, drug education and rehabilitation services in my opinion, rather then millions on a military approach to what should essentially be a health issue.

Anyhow. My brain is completely fucked right now, need sleep. Might touch on this later, find this particular topic of discussion so interesting.
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Resident Celebrity
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I thought it has been legal to grow in the act for years ?
I heard that too but apparently it hasn't been that way for years.

Same with the fireworks, can you imagine moving interstate and finding out the laws changed years ago?

The porn thing though, that's still legal, but we have the Internet now so Fyshwick can get fucked.
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