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After dinner mints are served! looks great! :love:
Cheers man yeah super duper fast 1 this 1 that buds 72 days seed to harvest her sisters still out there fully maturing but this is a great day time smoke real dreamy heady smoke with fruity hints of mentos nit like POTG I cut some of her down the other night for a sample and I was that baked I felt like I was going deaf lmfao 😀 😋


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Cheers man yeah super duper fast 1 this 1 that buds 72 days seed to harvest her sisters still out there fully maturing but this is a great day time smoke real dreamy heady smoke with fruity hints of mentos nit like POTG I cut some of her down the other night for a sample and I was that baked I felt like I was going deaf lmfao 😀 😋
Dude don't make a man dribble, looks fucking sweet as! I had to wipe my chin! :ROFLMAO: (y)
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