Way around piss test?


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G'day my esteemed brethren..
To start I hope all have had a jolly xmas and disposed of lots of evil substances by way of consumption..
To the question at hand one of my *flock* works away and has to endure the evil possibility of random piss taking of the "Ahhh gotcha now!" Kind.. Does anyone know of a proven dodge for this most unaustralian invasion of bodily waste sniffing! I should mention it is to avoid pot smoking detection...
Thanks in advance folks..

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Northface Gorilla

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G'day my esteemed brethren..
To start I hope all have had a jolly xmas and disposed of lots of evil substances by way of consumption..
To the question at hand one of my *flock* works away and has to endure the evil possibility of random piss taking of the "Ahhh gotcha now!" Kind.. Does anyone know of a proven dodge for this most unaustralian invasion of bodily waste sniffing! I should mention it is to avoid pot smoking detection...
Thanks in advance folks..
Merry Christmas an happy new year bro.

Heard of this stuff a while back an checked out the reviews an it seems to be legit. Just don't know anyone personally who's used it.

I think it's something you drink on the day to make ya clean


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The only dead cert way I've heard of working is inserting a catheter and inflating an empty bladder with a certain fluid, could be dangerous if the bladder is inflated too much and would be painful inserting a tube up ya piss hole urethra, but then again whats the cost of a job mean to a person


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Yeah Ya had me cringin a bit thinkin about that 😆
But yeah it would work Im sure.. Cheers!

Billy yeah mate I could just picture pullin the wrong coloured fake shlong out 😆😆😆


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G'day my esteemed brethren..
To start I hope all have had a jolly xmas and disposed of lots of evil substances by way of consumption..
To the question at hand one of my *flock* works away and has to endure the evil possibility of random piss taking of the "Ahhh gotcha now!" Kind.. Does anyone know of a proven dodge for this most unaustralian invasion of bodily waste sniffing! I should mention it is to avoid pot smoking detection...
Thanks in advance folks..
Fake or clean piss and a fake dick.
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