Washing Buds

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Anyone had experience good or bad with doing this?

I have a really tacky Zkittlez growing outdoors at the moment and its a few weeks from harvest, But as i look close its got so many dead bugs, Cat hair/ Fibers and other shit stuck to it so much so that it would take me hours to pull off most of it by hand and eye. 😴

So i am thinking of washing it, Whats your guys thoughts ?

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Northface Gorilla

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I have done it once on a Green Crack Auto and they were really fluffy and smoked up nice.
I used 4 buckets the 2 ND bucket was peroxide food grade @ 3 % I cap to whatever bucket u using.
Followed by lemon then water.
If I have dirty buds again I wouldn't hesitate.
Each to there own tho.

Aye Shroomer

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Yeah so I can’t find the same article but most are all the same.
Some say H2o2.
Some say lemon juice mixed with baking soda.

I did both.
3% H2o2 - 1/2 cup in 20L. I wasn’t exact though

1/2 cup each of lemon juice and baking soda ( forgot that ingredient 😬) in same volume of water

Rinse bucket plain water.

The H2o2 comes in brown bottle at coles medicine aisle.
Lemon juice was in baking aisle.
Water was rain water. You could boil water I guess if you’re worried though.

Again there’s lots of debate but I tried it and it work. Some say it doesn’t help with powdery mildew. Some say it does.
With bugs it got most of them off.
And I didn’t see any pm develop in the jars once dried

The key is making sure they drip dry well with a fan blowing on them. Like 24hr
I moved the clothes horse into the bathroom overnight.

I say try it out. See for yourself 😃
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Yeah so I can’t find the same article but most are all the same.
Some say H2o2.
Some say lemon juice mixed with baking soda.

I did both.
3% H2o2 - 1/2 cup in 20L. I wasn’t exact though

1/2 cup each of lemon juice and baking soda ( forgot that ingredient 😬) in same volume of water

Rinse bucket plain water.

The H2o2 comes in brown bottle at coles medicine aisle.
Lemon juice was in baking aisle.
Water was rain water. You could boil water I guess if you’re worried though.

Again there’s lots of debate but I tried it and it work. Some say it doesn’t help with powdery mildew. Some say it does.
With bugs it got most of them off.
And I didn’t see any pm develop in the jars once dried

The key is making sure they drip dry well with a fan blowing on them. Like 24hr
I moved the clothes horse into the bathroom overnight.

I say try it out. See for yourself 😃
Absolute legend appreciate the specific location, like any man i want to be in and out of the shop as fast as possible :D
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