Vapour cloud ?


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I have vaped most of what I have grown and all create the same amount of vapour cloud . But I vaped some of the CBD which is only a week into cure and massive amounts of white cloud . Can someone explain why this is so. Also that bucket of buds Stinks way more than anything I have burped before . Have to have carbon filter on in the room otherwise hole neighbour hood stinks .

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Can't chime in on whether it has anything to do with the CBD but Ive had a plant or two that definitely vaped more prolifically and it had me wondering. The starry 4.0 doesn't pull the biggest clouds and its super obvious when other strains produce a more visible, white cloud.

The CBD definitely looked the goods. I'm moving to hybrid CBD strains as some of the gear I've had lately completely wrecks me. Have Kneekos Pineapple AK X Peachy CBD and might run some straight peachy CBD which is something like 12:9 THC/CBD.
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