Vaping in ACT

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I wouldn’t be so sure OD, it’s been decriminalised not legalised, so u can still get busted.

My personal experience smoking joints in pubs is bouncers in shithole places just kindly ask you to leave (after u skull ur pint). However my preference in pubs is for places that welcome high-vis wearers, cause the drink is typically cheaper so that may not always be ur experience if they catch u

Had a quick search on the information superhighway and you might be interested in reading -



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As far as I know you can't use weed in public but I have a DaVinci IQ2 and I can't imagine anyone knowing that it's not a nicotine vape.

A lot of people just assume you must be vaping nicotine so it's a gamble as to whether the cops know or you run into a narc at the pub.
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