Triploid strains hermies

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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The more I read on ethos the less I want to run his gear. He doesn’t have a good name in the much of the US scene and people like tony green (among others) haven’t got much good to say about him or his breeding practices
Good reason not to follow online influencers. Commercial interest everywhere behind the scenes of all the large players. I've grown 21 different strains of his, some multiple times. I've formed an opinion of the harvested flowers through bongs and joints. As that's more objective and independent, to me, than the paid talking heads. I'll try and remain breeder agnostic, as paid opinions usually lack objectivity. Growing and smoking the product is a much better measure of quality.


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I've grown 12 different ETHOS strains and not one hermi. I'd say there my 2nd favourite Dr Krippling being my favourite


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Good reason not to follow online influencers. Commercial interest everywhere behind the scenes of all the large players. I've grown 21 different strains of his, some multiple times. I've formed an opinion of the harvested flowers through bongs and joints. As that's more objective and independent, to me, than the paid talking heads. I'll try and remain breeder agnostic, as paid opinions usually lack objectivity. Growing and smoking the product is a much better measure of quality.

Yeah that’s fine i suppose. Personally i believe there’s enough good breeders out there that I can choose to buy off without needing to buy off a convicted woman beater and animal abuser no matter how good his beans may be

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Yeah that’s fine i suppose. Personally i believe there’s enough good breeders out there that I can choose to buy off without needing to buy off a convicted woman beater and animal abuser no matter how good his beans may be
He's no choir boy. And unquestionably devisive. But then again, so is Donald Trump, and he may be potusa again in Nov 24. So yeah, much weirder things can happen.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Colin's 2021 instagram post of a hermie male he was using for breeding was all I needed to make up my mind on his seeds. But hey, each to their own 🤷‍♂️.

Also, anyone who thinks Tony green is just an "online influencer" needs to get out more :ROFLMAO:.
You forgot to add....with a vested commercial interest. Lol...


The Dwarf Hermie King
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You forgot to add....with a vested commercial interest. Lol...
So you seem to think you know everything.
What are these vested interests you continually speak of??
Come on back up some of the stuff you've been saying with some actual proof and not your opinion!


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You forgot to add....with a vested commercial interest. Lol...
Tony green is hardly “commercial” lol. Hell he hardly even promotes his own seeds

We get it though, You have a hard on for ethos and that’s ok. As I said i personally won’t give a cent to that piece of shit human even if he had the best genetics in the world.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Tony green is hardly “commercial” lol. Hell he hardly even promotes his own seeds
Yet he has an active sales website. And every single one of his bean packets ( on his website )has a dollar sign next to it. I'm not bagging him, or his company, just pointing out he's got a vested interest.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Tony green is hardly “commercial” lol. Hell he hardly even promotes his own seeds

We get it though, You have a hard on for ethos and that’s ok. As I said i personally won’t give a cent to that piece of shit human even if he had the best genetics in the world.
Not sure why youre so butt hurt about whose breeder beans I use? I don't know or care whose beans you use.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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You just have no idea do ya! 🤣
No one gives 2 fucks about ya pissy little pollen chucking enterprise.
People have said Colin is a piece of shit and you blindly defend him with nothing but your opinion. You then went on to call anyone who says anything bad about your idiol Colin an influencer and a vested interest. All of which is wrong. People are abjecting to shit your are talking. Hence the reason a few others have left because they are sick of reading your garbage.
@Pikey and @R3za92 are both far better breeders and have far more knowledge than you but you persist with trying pretend you are superior!!
I've never commented on either Rezza or Pikeys growing ability. Just yours. I can't recall seeing any of Pikeys flower room pics, let alone comment on them. So more dribble from you. I couldn't care less if Colin is an arsehole. I'm paying for beans, not his personality.


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I've never commented on either Rezza or Pikeys growing ability. Just yours. I can't recall seeing any of Pikeys flower room pics, let alone comment on them. So more dribble from you. I couldn't care less if Colin is an arsehole. I'm paying for beans, not his personality.
So you’d buy beans off a pedo as long as they were good genetics (which tbh is sceptical with some of ethos’s breeding practices)?

By buying his beans your by extension supporting him. Personally I vote not supporting an abuser of women and animals by not buying his beans


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I can't recall seeing any of Pikeys flower room pics, let alone comment on them.
I play with mostly photo regs and autos ...and even worse reg autos! So no real point in me sharing any of my efforts here on TSE where F1 FEMs containing only half the genetic potential of their parents are considered to be the pinnicle of "breeding".

But, again ...each to their own. This place is mostly populated by people growing for personal supply and cash croppers, so makes sense I suppose 🤷‍♂️.

Oh, and don't worry I'm not a commercial interest. My seeds are given out freely and at my expense to people around the world (I don't place the burdon/cost of distribution on others). I've sent roughly ~3000 seeds to people across 8 different countries so far this year, so plenty of grows out there to look at if one was to leave the safety of this "little pond" 😘.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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So you’d buy beans off a pedo as long as they were good genetics (which tbh is sceptical with some of ethos’s breeding practices)?

By buying his beans your by extension supporting him. Personally I vote not supporting an abuser of women and animals by not buying his beans
But he's not a least not that we know of. I also buy some stuff made in China, and I don't like the Chinese regime. Doesn't mean I support them either. If some Chinese goods serves my purposes, and it's cheap accessible and convenient, I'll buy that too.


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I play with mostly photo regs and autos ...and even worse reg autos! So no real point in me sharing any of my efforts here on TSE where F1 FEMs containing only half the genetic potential of their parents are considered to be the pinnicle of "breeding".

Hey hey nothing wrong with s1 fems (or the correct term R1’s). They encapture all the genetics of the parent even the recessive traits (and can in fact amplify the recessive traits in a good portion of the seeds making it a good option if chasing recessive traits this can be seen by performing a simple punnet square) but yeah agree that f1 fems can limit genetics which makes selection all the more important


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But he's not a pedo......
No but it seems you missed the analogy entirely. He has multiple convictions for assaulting a woman as well as animal abuse of dogs (among other things). So by extension supporting him is supporting those actions.

Good to see you draw the line at pedophilia but not animal abuse and beating on women.
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