To Hermie or not 2 Hermie


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Rito, I’m no expert so before everyone jumps down my throat this is is genuine question.

A few years back i had a strain of fire OG produce a handful of seeds. About 30 for memory . I had growen this strain from seed originally and then cuts for years later without any problem. The year it produced a handful of seed i didn’t really look after that plant it was neglected and I let it go a lot longer than I would normally because I was away. It was outside. It wasn’t till I was cleaning up that I noticed the seed in the bottom of tub and went fuck, shit hot.! I thought now I don’t have to keep cuts alive all fuckin winter.
I used those seeds since but have lost that strain now however it never produced seed ever again. After reading about colloidal silver I gave that a try but fucked it up. Seeds were originally from seedsman as a freebie. Wish I still had it, but anyway..

So my question is stressing a plant out whether it be with temperature, neglect, STS, collodial silver, goats piss or any other way to produce seed, isn’t that turning a female plant into a hermie..?
Like I said I’m no expert..

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The man your mother warned you about.
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i know some say it but I don’t see STS or CS as stressing a plant..

you said you left it in longer than normal which could produce seed but if they were nice and brown coloured then it would have started growing seeds long before you pulled it,,so it sounds like it threw a nana or two or more.from stress.
your lucky with the seeds it produced and probably didnt stress them to the level of what the first plant was stressed..
But no it’s not a good way to produce seeds


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No worries Sedge. I did let it go for about 5 weeks longer cos I had to work a double swing. I was expecting it to be a mess with rot or infested with whatever but it wasnt to bad. Seeds we’re a bonus for me anyway and was definitely the last thing I was expecting..


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i know some say it but I don’t see STS or CS as stressing a plant..

you said you left it in longer than normal which could produce seed but if they were nice and brown coloured then it would have started growing seeds long before you pulled it,,so it sounds like it threw a nana or two or more.from stress.
your lucky with the seeds it produced and probably didnt stress them to the level of what the first plant was stressed..
But no it’s not a good way to produce seeds
It’s not. Your using the silver to entagonise ethylene production which causes the plant to produce male appearing flowers containing female pollen

Herms are just defects in the genetic code bought out by stress


The man your mother warned you about.
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It’s not. Your using the silver to entagonise ethylene production which causes the plant to produce male appearing flowers containing female pollen

Herms are just defects in the genetic code bought out by stress
Here we go again,,
if you were asleep and I crept up and injected you with hormones you wouldn’t know ,,you wouldn’t be stressed and you’d grow tits

,,,pretty much the same thing with reversing ,,effecting the plants hormones signs of stress unless you hit them too hard and get burnt leaves..

Too much bullshit gets said about reversing and nearly all of it is
suburban myth,,,So believe it it you want I don’t care..
but I’m writing this so no one gets confused and believes that shit.


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Here we go again,,
if you were asleep and I crept up and injected you with hormones you wouldn’t know ,,you wouldn’t be stressed and you’d grow tits

,,,pretty much the same thing with reversing ,,effecting the plants hormones signs of stress unless you hit them too hard and get burnt leaves..

Too much bullshit gets said about reversing and nearly all of it is
suburban myth,,,So believe it it you want I don’t care..
but I’m writing this so no one gets confused and believes that shit.

I was agreeing with you. Your original comment said some people said the sprays cause stress which is not the case. I agree it’s not stress, it’s an antagonising the release of hormones within the plant that trick it to achieve the results we want (fem pollen) but it’s not stress.
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The man your mother warned you about.
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I was agreeing with you. Your original comment said some people said the sprays cause stress which is not the case. I agree it’s not stress, it’s an antagonising the release of hormones within the plant that trick it to achieve the results we want (fem pollen) but it’s not stress.
got thrown off where you said “it’s not”


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Pretty sure this is how @Billygoat gets his fems beans! :p:cool:
I don’t know why I said goats piss but I reckon if anything could it would be that..😂
This mate had a heap of goats he bought back from hunting and i was scratching one behind the ear thinking why was his head all wet.

Well the cheeky fucker had been pissing all over his face and bead and drinking it…Apparently that’s normal practice for a Billy goat…😂
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