Rito, I’m no expert so before everyone jumps down my throat this is is genuine question.
A few years back i had a strain of fire OG produce a handful of seeds. About 30 for memory . I had growen this strain from seed originally and then cuts for years later without any problem. The year it produced a handful of seed i didn’t really look after that plant it was neglected and I let it go a lot longer than I would normally because I was away. It was outside. It wasn’t till I was cleaning up that I noticed the seed in the bottom of tub and went fuck, shit hot.! I thought now I don’t have to keep cuts alive all fuckin winter.
I used those seeds since but have lost that strain now however it never produced seed ever again. After reading about colloidal silver I gave that a try but fucked it up. Seeds were originally from seedsman as a freebie. Wish I still had it, but anyway..
So my question is stressing a plant out whether it be with temperature, neglect, STS, collodial silver, goats piss or any other way to produce seed, isn’t that turning a female plant into a hermie..?
Like I said I’m no expert..
A few years back i had a strain of fire OG produce a handful of seeds. About 30 for memory . I had growen this strain from seed originally and then cuts for years later without any problem. The year it produced a handful of seed i didn’t really look after that plant it was neglected and I let it go a lot longer than I would normally because I was away. It was outside. It wasn’t till I was cleaning up that I noticed the seed in the bottom of tub and went fuck, shit hot.! I thought now I don’t have to keep cuts alive all fuckin winter.
I used those seeds since but have lost that strain now however it never produced seed ever again. After reading about colloidal silver I gave that a try but fucked it up. Seeds were originally from seedsman as a freebie. Wish I still had it, but anyway..
So my question is stressing a plant out whether it be with temperature, neglect, STS, collodial silver, goats piss or any other way to produce seed, isn’t that turning a female plant into a hermie..?
Like I said I’m no expert..