This is a pretty well balanced article and gives me some hope .....

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It is a reasonably balanced article that slightly leans in our favour.

But it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. With that, I mean the first Australian State to attempt to decriminalise/legalise cannabis. Considering how the Federal Gov has the MC industry structured with the TGA at the moment.

Definitely interesting times ahead. (y)

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Albanese clearly stated it's a State issue. Dan Andrews will be in the cross hairs, courting support of 2 Cannabis party elected reps in Vic. They will test his principles. Some may say he has no principles, but politics makes strange bedfellows. Just keep kicking those political doors down. Canna prohibition will eventually be on the losing side of history.


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Albanese clearly stated it's a State issue. Dan Andrews will be in the cross hairs, courting support of 2 Cannabis party elected reps in Vic. They will test his principles. Some may say he has no principles, but politics makes strange bedfellows. Just keep kicking those political doors down. Canna prohibition will eventually be on the losing side of history.
States can decriminalise but they can’t fully legalise it. Only the federal government can fully legalise it’s use and sale as seen by legislation changes in the ACT.

Albo is just palming the responsibility off for as long as possible because they view it as a vote looser

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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States can decriminalise but they can’t fully legalise it. Only the federal government can fully legalise it’s use and sale as seen by legislation changes in the ACT.

Albo is just palming the responsibility off for as long as possible because they view it as a vote looser
Sure, but Albo won't intervene to over ride States. They will allow the states to do their own thing. As long as they leave anyone alone who wants to grow in their own backyard, it's progress. No hope for NSW with Perrottet warming the chair.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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How about we let the public decide what's good for them, not fucking DAN
I forgot you the one who loves Sloberdan!! 🤣
Personally I think with the policitical situation Dan is in with the Weed party Vic could be the first State to decriminalise Weed!
Be interesting to see how much power this Weed party actually has!


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If they get a hearing with Dan, the first thing thing he will do is to tell them to draft some legislation. Not an easy job for beginners, but it will keep them quiet for quite a while.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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If they get a hearing with Dan, the first thing thing he will do is to tell them to draft some legislation. Not an easy job for beginners, but it will keep them quiet for quite a while.
Yeah they want to make sure they have some good political policy lawyers on hand and a shit load of money!!

Kee Mao

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If they get a hearing with Dan, the first thing thing he will do is to tell them to draft some legislation. Not an easy job for beginners, but it will keep them quiet for quite a while.
First thing the legalise it party will do is employ Fiona Patten as an advisor,she has eight years policy experience, and is tight with Dan on social issues.


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Sure, but Albo won't intervene to over ride States. They will allow the states to do their own thing. As long as they leave anyone alone who wants to grow in their own backyard, it's progress. No hope for NSW with Perrottet warming the chair.
It’s not really intervening. The fed are the only ones who can legalise the mechanisims of sale and production. If they enacted policies that allowed the sale and production the states would still be in charge on whether it’s still a crime or not which is why they can currently decriminalise. It has to be a joint effort is what I’m saying, one of the other doesn’t achieve full legalisation.

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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It’s not really intervening. The fed are the only ones who can legalise the mechanisims of sale and production. If they enacted policies that allowed the sale and production the states would still be in charge on whether it’s still a crime or not which is why they can currently decriminalise. It has to be a joint effort is what I’m saying, one of the other doesn’t achieve full legalisation.
I don't need full legislation. I just want Govt to leave me alone to grow in my backyard. 🤟 They already interfere too much.


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No politician is interested in decriminalisation. Those fellas in Victoria should write a bill that erases all the state's cannabis,hemp,marijuana,watever they want to call it related laws stating that for the rest of time it's fully decriminalised and never to be legalised. It should be enshrined in law that the government waged a war against the people they were meant to represent and as such legalisation would give the government the means to tax the loser and thus takes the spoils while putting the loser to work which is an unacceptable outcome for a loser of a war. The winner gets not only their freedom but the spoils so it's a decriminalised free for all for eternity.

Watch as how they instead draft a bill for legalisation that follows the guidelines the UN's convention on narcotics lays out where there's licensing systems, seed to sale tracking, will insist upon high taxes that are only ever able to increase, how unlicensed cultivators will be in violation of the law, etc. In short it's going to be treated the same as how tobacco is today and you're gonna be told how lucky you are that you can go to the pot shop and pay $30/g for immature garbage that was exported to Vietnam and manhandled like a motherfucker being manicured because they don't give a single fuck and likely sell their gloves after work to supplement their shit income too.

If you're stupid lucky they'll do what they did for the ACT and give you absurd limits that are impossible to be in compliance with and then they'll selectively target people especially if you've been a political nuisance or god forbid outed police corruption like how QPOL just stole a property for QPS's future gas pipeline and will be using future royalties for police pensions. Personally I think they'll just laugh and go yeah nah cunt, take what you can get and most muppet head motherfuckers will be all well any step in teh right direction is a foot in the door for later change! never once considering how much their government truly hates them and how any change that isn't forced upon them only ever results in greater harm coming to the masses to benefit a few.


The man your mother warned you about.
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Now days a bust is a slap on the wrist ,,which is hardly a deterrent,,.I’m ok with how things are ,,

they could end up increasing penalties for indoor setups which would fuck up a lot of people..

Don‘t forget they got their buddies that paid heaps for licenses to look after.they would surely be in the governments ears to
stop all their potential customers growing their own
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