Tassy tigers

Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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Always been interested in the tassie tiger and info relating to them.
Have noticed lately it's big on u tube etc ,even the septics are telling US about it.
I reckon it's all piss in wind like yowie until someone comes up with a clear photo.
What do our resident tasmaniacs say?...

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Harry bootlace

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there’s also south west tiger.
my parents saw one when i was a kid. i was in the car but asleep.
looks the same.

also denmark panther.


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I saw this last week ,,although it’s night vision I thought it more impressive than the usual blurred photograph

Impressively clear footage, but having seen my wallaby and pademellon bolt in all directions when a devil or the quoll come down the hill, I doubt it could be a serious predator like the thylacine seeing all the roos just standing passively around it

One Drop

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You would of thought we would of seen one by now even looking with two heads our Tassie bush is so fucking thick and most of it has still not been explored I’m tipping that some where up in the west ranges it’s so remote you cannot exclude the possibility of a remnant small family group exist completely unbeknown to man.

Now the yowie on the other hand is again another possibility in saying that on 2 occasions my father and uncle worked on buildings up at OReillys Plato one account told by both the men was of something growing and percussive pops vocals then nothing for a week or so next occasion the timber stack and the on site saw mill was thrown about like a gorilla has just barged in an had a fit then left both father and uncle saw the timber lengths in mid air they said it took all of 10 to 20 seconds then again nothing no trace no sign this was back in the 50 the story’s told to me were verbatim and I have no reason to doubt both men , we can not rule out anything in this world we are just a moment in time lost in moments of time and so could these creatures also be … the truth is out there we just have to keep looking for the answer. A great topic indeed I myself would love to see something as incredible as a yowie or Bigfoot if indeed they do exist.


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back in the early 80s an old farmer out the back of beyond in deepest rural tassie told me that as far as sheep farmers were concerned they were a pest that they still shot on sight and buried quick. No idea if he was having me on. But I suspect they may gone extinct a bit later than reported


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I've never seen or hear anything that makes me think they are still around. But, I like to think they are still here. If they are here, its best for them to stay unfound, because some arrogant asshole will shoot them the day after they are confirmed alive.

Sun Ra

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I've never seen or hear anything that makes me think they are still around. But, I like to think they are still here. If they are here, its best for them to stay unfound, because some arrogant asshole will shoot them the day after they are confirmed alive.
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I can only say after decades detecting rare and endangered species, never say never. For a mammal of this size, small island and attention it gathers, unlikely but in a remote spot and instinct to avoid humans, possibly. The Wollemi pine is a classic example in a rooted species. Probably passed by adventurous canyoners over time till one of those adventurous persons knew their botany.

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