Talking to your boss about Medical Cannabis?


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I've been at the same job for >10yrs years and there was no issue when I graduated from a Secret Stoner to a legal Medical User. There is nothing about my current job that requires a drug test and my bosses occasionally indulge themselves Thus, we follow the don't-ask-don't-tell policy and everything is cool.

However, I'm interviewing for a new job at the moment. Round 1 went well and I've got a couple follow up meetings. The job itself would not require a drug test, but I might need to eventually take a medical or drug test to go on client work sites. Example, spend a a few days on an offshore rig or commercial vessel.

I'm wondering how to handle this topic. I could say nothing and hope for the best. That could bite me in the arse down the line. I could bring it up now. But, that might become my Achilles Heel to getting the job if there are other qualified candidates.

How are the employed medical users on TSE handling this thorny topic?

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Mellow oldfark

Trichome Enthusiast
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My neighbour is FIFO and he's well payed, likes a choof but has to be very careful and doesn't do it very often.
I feel some people turn to less detectable drugs or run the detox drink after every roster.
As for medical canna that no one's business but you and your doctor.🤫


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mate see if u can find out about their policies first (their website, job review sites, recruiters etc) but if nothing there, personally I wouldn’t bring it up till you have an offer from them. that way at least u know they want you before raising what could be an issue and ur still being transparent


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Anything to do with the Mining sector wouldn't have a bar of it. They made that perfectly clear some time in the last 6 to 12 months (medical cannabis, that is). From what i understand, the legalities of it pretty well forced their hand.

But yeah, meth seems to be the choice of those that dabble. Apparently it clears from the body quicker?
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My friend's uncle used to work in the mines in Queensland. When I was a kid, whenever he came back, he’d get on the amphetamines and choof, but he’d always take a detox drink and get away with it every time.


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mate see if u can find out about their policies first (their website, job review sites, recruiters etc) but if nothing there, personally I wouldn’t bring it up till you have an offer from them. that way at least u know they want you before raising what could be an issue and ur still being transparent
Seems like the best answer 👍
Glad I’m practicing retirement on the dole.


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I've been at the same job for >10yrs years and there was no issue when I graduated from a Secret Stoner to a legal Medical User. There is nothing about my current job that requires a drug test and my bosses occasionally indulge themselves Thus, we follow the don't-ask-don't-tell policy and everything is cool.

However, I'm interviewing for a new job at the moment. Round 1 went well and I've got a couple follow up meetings. The job itself would not require a drug test, but I might need to eventually take a medical or drug test to go on client work sites. Example, spend a a few days on an offshore rig or commercial vessel.

I'm wondering how to handle this topic. I could say nothing and hope for the best. That could bite me in the arse down the line. I could bring it up now. But, that might become my Achilles Heel to getting the job if there are other qualified candidates.

How are the employed medical users on TSE handling this thorny topic?

Do not do anything until you recieve an employment contract.

Read it carefully.

Many companies will not terminate an employee if they test positive to a "prescribed" drug/medicine.

That being the case, you have no requirement to tell them anything. They cannot dismiss you if you pic the wrong ball at pre start ;)


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I guess I'm going to hold off until I see if an offer is on the table. Maybe they won't offer me the job and it is possible I could turn an offer down. We haven't had the serious salary conversation yet.

It's shameful that cannabis might prevent me from taking a productive job, but a coke/meth/opiate habit would just slide right by ....


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It's shameful that cannabis might prevent me from taking a productive job, but a coke/meth/opiate habit would just slide right by ....
I've seen 2 people let go because they tested positive to cannabis but when someone tested positive to meth they walked out the office with a grin on their face and told us that he's been given a "warning", the whole yard was mega pissed off at management that they let 2 decent blokes go, putting extra strain on us but let a meth addict, that was an utter shit head, slide by with a warning
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