So, Ive got these clones...


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...that I have been taking off my plants, since they began flowering, with a view to giving a Clone grow a go.
I have them rooting in water on a windowsill and have been pleasantly surprised at how easy they have "struck", leaving me with at least a dozen rooted clones, just sitting there.
It is my intention to choose which I'd like to regrow once my tent is available again. In the meantime, yesterday I ordered a 130W CFL to get the vegging of the clones going.

The clones are currently receiving only natural light, so 12/12 approx. sitting in glasses of water.

1) Once the CFL arrives can I just bang em in coco and under the CFL on 24/0 and eventually, once they've grown all weird, they'll bounce back? Mainly my concern is the fact the clones will be sitting on that sill for at least 6-8 weeks total, under flowering light cycles until the CFL arrives, with roots going everywhere.

2) How long, on average do you veg your clones?

I get it depends how big you want the plant/ environmental factors etc, the plants an adult etc. but wanted to get a feel for the average time.

I have seeds I'd like to try, but am keen to learn the time benefits to clones.


PS Will have some spare clones left over once I make my pick. Is it possible to ship 'em via AP ?

Got GDP, Bruce Banner, HIFI 4G clones on the sill.IMG_8849.jpg

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Forum Pisshead
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Clones are heaps faster bomber, I’d pot them up now they are rooted.

Any light source that’s on over 12 hours is going to keep them in veg state. Sounds like u need a dedicated veg tent to me. Clones look good nicely done.
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