Scuze me ma'am,, are my balls small?


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How's it going fellas.

I've finished the fucking harvest at last!
No thanks to my brother who sat around smoking my cones and interrupting my podcast I had on and little all else the dumb cunt.

Anyway it's done now trimmed and hung.

I've just come inside from getting a start on preparing the pots and the soil for the next generation and the first thing I did was pull my balls out...

No not them ones ya dickheads šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm talking about my root balls! And to My surprise the root balls were a fraction of what I was sorta expecting since these ladies were pretty hefty ladies so I'm curious whether this is something I should be improving on or is this normal for soil mediums?

I remember back when I was in coco those ladies had humongous balls aye. So much so that I was feeling inferior but impressed at the same time šŸ˜…20221211_125043.jpg20221211_125441.jpg20221211_125454.jpg

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Were they transplanted into those pots, or been in their own pots since germinating? Reason i ask, they nearly look they've been root bound in smaller pots earlier on. Going by how clumped the root system is.


User ID
Were they transplanted into those pots, or been in their own pots since germinating? Reason i ask, they nearly look they've been root bound in smaller pots earlier on. Going by how clumped the root system is.
You might be on to something there Indy.
I did transplant them and now that I think about it they did get quite root bound while waiting for some space to become available.

It's not ideal is it Indy. Do you reckon I may have had better root growth if I had of teased the roots apart a little before placing them into their new homes?


User ID
Yeah, guessing it would've helped, mate. If they were a little over done in the other pots. Something most of us have done at some time.
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