Refo from ozstoners spambots


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Dissappointed at amount of spam manifesting on Oz S.

I have been growing for a number of years, mostly bag seed crap, nothing spectacular.
Experimented with cloning for awhile, not very successfully, maybe 50% failure.
Then Yantra, Frosty, DC and Caveman appeared, so switched back to seeds. Tried Auto, Fem and Regular. Lot of failures, 100mm shoots, then fall over and die. Saved some by sliding over 25mm plastic tubes filling with perlite for support untill they could get big enough for transplant to bigger pots. Still lost a few. Dissappointed with number of males and low THC survivors. Autos were low yield, smelt great but mostly put us to sleep
So now have a few Sativas 1 metre plus but. I was hoping to get a summer solstice vape from this lot. Sun passed overhead October and plants seemed set to head nicely, then as solstice started, they shot up like Lettuce going to seed. New shoots up from partially formed heads. Looks like not a Happy New Year.
Can I clone these individual shoots at 16/8 even though they have flowers showing, then put remaining plants in a darkroom 12/12 to get the heads to form?
Greatly appreciate any help.
Thanks. G.

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Forum Pisshead
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Can definitely take clones from them they look like they are re veggin out with the single blade leaves.

Get some ezy plugs or a good seedling propagation mix and some clonex or powdered root starter take double the amount you want then put them all in a humidity dome/mini greenhouse I put them under 24h light then wait a week or two.

It can be hit and miss but once you get it a few times gives u options.

Hope u get a few rooted.


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Welcome to The Serrated Edge graeme1942.

usually a leggy seedling is from the light being too far so it stretches chasing can always top up the medium around the base of the stem ,,eventually roots will grow from the sides of the stem that have been buried ,,much like a clone grows roots from the stem ā€¦.Ends up benefiting the plant,,,,So leggy seedlings can be fixedšŸ˜Š
Just reread you had it with autos ,,,,,but should be the same fix.

if you take a clone from the plant in the pic it will need to be revegged ā€¦I would put it on 24/24 for quicker growth,,and let it grow multi fingered leaves again ,then let it flower ,,otherwise if you put a clone of it under 12/12 ,,,well you might get a few grams but I doubt much more.


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Howdy Graeme1942,

Welcome to TSE. Looks like you have a nice little gorilla grow going on there?
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