Quick dry for desperate times


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So I got fucked over with my prescription and am now out. I'll get it sorted next week but I'm otherwise dry this weekend.

I remember reading here or maybe elsewhere about some tricks for a quick dry - tried to search but came up short. I've got some plant hanging which was cut on Sunday - I remember my old man used to throw it in the oven on a low temp. Just need to get through this weekend.


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Goonie Goat

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I've folded wet buds up in newspaper and left them out in the sun, tastes pretty bad.. seen a recipe for 'firecrackers' years ago, smother 2 SAO crackers with peanut butter and sprinkle 2 grams of bud on-top and bake in the oven šŸ¤£


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oven set to warmish with the door open, the longer and slower the better, no idea on temperature sorry
edit: reread your post and seen you mentioned it already sorry i cant be of much help apart from slower the longer the better haha


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What about your hash?
Pot of water, plate on top, chop up your smoke, and warm it up.
Slow anyway is best for quick dries šŸ¤­


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Best method someone on the forums told me years ago.

Small pot with water. Bring to boil. Place a soup bowl in the pot but not touching the water. Tip some out if the bowl floats.

Chop course to start in bowl then chop more every few minutes until it drys out.


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At home: Bain Marie style similar to what @Billygoat mentioned.

In the bush: Pop the bonnet of the car, and shape a bit of aluminium foil to fit over the exhaust manifold and dry small buds within about 20 minutes, turning them ocassionaly. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough to sample a bit of fresh bush bud rolled up into a joint.

Haven't used this method on modern cars, probably a bit harder with the new ones with the shroud around the manifold. It wasn't a problem on the older ones though.
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