Ppm run off

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Goonie Goat

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Do you check your ppm run off after every feed
My feed schedule is feed feed feed water
I check the runoff quite a bit, with salt based nutes checking the runoff can give you a good idea of how the plants respond to your feed schedules, for instance; say your input is 1.2EC and your runoff is between 0 to 0.6EC it means the plants are eating well and you can increase the feed EC if needed.
If it's higher than your input EC it may indicate a few things. say for example it's over 2.0EC from an input of 1EC it could mean the plant is drinking more water than nutes, which can make the growing media more acidic due to higher salt concentrations (so you can back off the input EC). Low humidity can also dry the growing media out faster resulting in the same issue. Normally when the runoff EC is way higher than the input feed the pH will be lower than the input feed also. If the runoff EC is lower than the input EC the pH usually increases too, which means the plant is eating well.

Goonie Goat

User ID
I had that problem with coco acid runoff high EC . Not with sand as feeding from the bottom plants only take up what they need . No runoff so nothing to check . Just watch the plants for change.;)
Normally that's my problem but lately it's been the complete opposite. Fed autos 6.0 pH 1.2 EC the other day and measured runoff on one and it was way over 7. Don't have these issues with the Ortega on the drippers. Not the biggest fan of Coco 🤣 can't wait to go back to clayballs


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Normally that's my problem but lately it's been the complete opposite. Fed autos 6.0 pH 1.2 EC the other day and measured runoff on one and it was way over 7. Don't have these issues with the Ortega on the drippers. Not the biggest fan of Coco 🤣 can't wait to go back to clayballs
I do like clay ball basket in a dwc bucket...definitely some of my better performances

Goonie Goat

User ID
I do like clay ball basket in a dwc bucket...definitely some of my better performances
The only bad thing I've experienced with them is the plants fall over in late flower from being so top heavy 🤣. I'll be doing a few more pheno hunts in Coco with some different strains for now but when I have my keepers I'm going straight back to the old setup


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I'm in living soil lately but in peat or coco and perlite I'll check runoff EC like once, maybe twice a week if I suspect somethings up just to keep an eye on their feeding habits. If it's coming out too high i"ll either bottom feed pH'd water for a day or two until the EC drops or run through a few extra litres of feed to flush out the excess if it's bad.


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Your going to get a mixed bag of answers to this one mate haha 😄 😆
It's up to you at the end of the day what you wanna do.
Million different ways to do things man honestly it can get a little overwhelming at times.
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