Plant Viruses & Equipment Disinfecting


Sultan Of Soil
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we use isopropyl alcohol to remove the stickiness from our trim scissors
did we think it would disinfect them as well ?

how to disinfect tools and equipment

Science behind choosing a disinfectant​

Two recent studies by Dr. Miller’s lab group at Ohio State University tested 16 common disinfectants for their ability to eliminate plant pathogens on cutting tools used on infected tomato plants. The study cut into tomato plants infected with bacterial canker (bacterial pathogen), gray mold (fungal pathogen), Pepino mosaic virus, Tomato Mosaic virus, or potato spindle tuber viroid (viruses). The researchers then exposed the tool to one of 16 different disinfectants for 1 second or 1 minute. The tool was then used on a healthy plant, which was monitored for disease. The results provide useful information to help select a disinfectant.

What about rubbing alcohol?​

Although the OSU study did not test rubbing alcohol as a disinfectant, an older study tested 3 concentrations of rubbing alcohol (70%, 90%, and 99% isopropyl alcohol) for its ability to remove the bacteria that cause fire blight from a pruning tool. In the study, researchers cut through a fire blight infected apple, then soaked the tool in isopropyl alcohol for 1, 3, and 5 minutes, then used the tool to cut into a healthy apple. In all cases, the cutting tool spread the fireblight bacteria to 25% of the healthy apples. This shows that rubbing alcohol was not an effective disinfectant for bacterial diseases.

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Sultan Of Soil
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very Interesting itchy

what about oxy plus

OMRI Certified disinfectants​

• BioSide (Peroxyacetic acid 15%; hydrogen peroxide 22%) effectively cleaned tools of both the fungal and bacterial plant pathogen after 1 second.
• Sanidate (Hydrogen peroxide 23%; peroxyacetic acid 5.3%) did not clean the fungal plant pathogen from the cutting tool and required 1 minute of treatment to remove the bacterial plant pathogen.
• StorOx (27% hydrogen dioxide) was not effective with a 1 second treatment but removed both the fungal and bacterial plant pathogen after 1 minute.
• None of the three OMRI certified disinfectants were effective against the viral plant pathogens in this study.
• 10% bleach (5.25% Sodium hypochlorite), which is allowed as an equipment cleaner in organic production, removed bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens tested in the study.


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Future Cannabis compile some great stuff

Personally I loved how they helped out during the bushfires with their seed auctions, even though some people couldn't agree.
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