Photos vs fem


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Hey crew !
I’m about to probably ask a really dumb question you can tell by the title , but generally interested why people would choose photos instead of feminised ?
I run scrog setups indoors so when I’ve had one turn male it’s such a waste of time and so hard to trim the net and try get the bastard out !!!
Ready to hear the pros and cons :)
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Resident Celebrity
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I think you've got your terminology mixed up.

From my understanding (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), there's photoperiod plants which come in regular and feminised, and then there's autos.

I think what you mean is, 'why do people pick regular instead of feminised and take the gamble that some of them will be male?'

To answer your question, if it's between feminised and regular. Some people like to breed strains between each other and other people just like buds with no worries.


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Regardless of the make up of the plants. I've learnt not to use mesh any smaller than 100mm x 100mm for the screen. Because of various reasons you may need to take a plant out at some stage.


Plant of the Month - Sep,2020.
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If you choose reg seeds you can ascertain the sex of them long before youll need to put a net over them. Usually they will show their sex
within 5 weeks. The benefits of reg seeds over fems is a true female that is less likely to hermie under stress.
The benefits of fem seeds is obvious in that you "should" only get
females but be aware light leaks during flowering can fuck the lot of them if they weren't stabilised by the breeder.
If I had to pick one or the other I would definately pick the reg seeds
for the genetic diversity.


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don't use net until identified male or female
Drop to 12/12 when small
When identified reveg ,
I dont like growing a decent size plant unless I'm sure its female
Keep some pollen for breeding , just remember which strain it was
Then breed with your choice of females , you only need 20 seeds of each to become self sufficient with limitless combinations in the future
Your seeds will be what you like

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Unless you want to produce seeds, use females. Regular seeds are used by pollen chuckers, or tight arses who won't spend a few extra bucks for female seeds.
If you choose reg seeds you can ascertain the sex of them long before youll need to put a net over them. Usually they will show their sex
within 5 weeks. The benefits of reg seeds over fems is a true female that is less likely to hermie under stress.
The benefits of fem seeds is obvious in that you "should" only get
females but be aware light leaks during flowering can fuck the lot of them if they weren't stabilised by the breeder.
If I had to pick one or the other I would definately pick the reg seeds
for the genetic diversity.
Females from a pack of regular seeds can be stressed just like a female from a fem seed pack. Unstable genetics can occur in both reg and fems. Have previously seen outdoor sativas Hermie from reg seeds. I won't waste my time, space, money or grow medium for 5 to 6 weeks, only to find males. Nothing but pink for me


The Dwarf Hermie King
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After having 2 of 4 grows throw hermies i was pissed and went with regs this run. After leaving them in 4lt pots so I didn’t waste time potting up males it slowed them down and made veg longer than if I just put fems in big pots.
I think ide rather deal with a hermie at the end that wasting grow time sexing plants.

Pedro de pacas

FIGJAM - Artisan of Bullshit.
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Each to there own I reckon, nothing wrong with regs or fems if they are breed properly

I prefer regs for a lot of reasons, I'm fairly sure cannabis started from reg seeds, why change ?

Not a tent grower here, but I understand people's frustration of not being able to sex a plant early, or have the patience to wait for a landrace Sati to show sex,
but you growers should have a back up plan anyway, no need to half fill a room like Porky

ya better of buying fems hey, the last lot of regs I planted where all fucking female, now i'll have to make bloody fem seeds out of them ffs

no pink bits on my plants old fox, your doing something wrong, see a Dr
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For me regs create a problem in a mixed hydro auto grow, if I start 5 regs and get 3 fems and 2 males then I end up with holes in my grow

I cant replace them easily as the nutrient and growth stage will be different so for my main grow I need to run fems

Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Each to there own I reckon, nothing wrong with regs or fems if they are breed properly

I prefer regs for a lot of reasons, I'm fairly sure cannabis started from reg seeds, why change ?

Not a pissy little tent grower here, but I understand peo
Each to there own I reckon, nothing wrong with regs or fems if they are breed properly

I prefer regs for a lot of reasons, I'm fairly sure cannabis started from reg seeds, why change ?

Not a pissy little tent grower here, but I understand people's frustration of not being able to sex a plant early, or have the patience to wait for a landrace Sati to show sex,
but you growers should have a back up plan anyway, no need to half fill a room like Porky

ya better of buying fems hey, the last lot of regs I planted where all fucking female, now i'll have to make bloody fem seeds out of them ffs

no pink bits on my plants old fox, your doing something wrong, see a Dr
Doctor has already diagnosed me. Not that I needed confirmation from a quack. I'm clinically heterosexual and genetically conditioned to go for the pink. I am partial to a bit of lesbian - but only if she has been bred properly 😏 Butch types with really short hair, don't make it under my bedsheets.


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Thanks for the replies guys and yeah I stuffed up I meant regs vs fem

makes sense I’ll stick with fem or clones from my existing fem plants .
have had a pretty good run with fem seeds think the pineapple chunk was the only one that went hermi on me but I heard a few ppl had issues with Barney seeds chunk strains .
Thanks 🙏


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I think there's still a touch of stigma from earlier on in the scene, fems and autos, and people spewing about F1 knockoffs, same shit different day..

As far as genetics go I'm not sure the male adds extra information. Anyways, F3 departs the grandparents so where's the new genetic material coming from?

Horses for courses, setup etc, If you're running DWC you want clones or fem.
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