My first oil.


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I had to harvest my plants early as we had tradies coming, so I am only working with small buds. An ounce of buds didn't give me enough oil to work with - perhaps 5-8 ml, so I cut it with some macadamia oil and held it at 108 degrees for a few hours. The result is working for pain but the psychoactive effect is very subtle. I only use 5-8 drops a night. Anyhow, it's a start.


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I had to harvest my plants early as we had tradies coming, so I am only working with small buds. An ounce of buds didn't give me enough oil to work with - perhaps 5-8 ml, so I cut it with some macadamia oil and held it at 108 degrees for a few hours. The result is working for pain but the psychoactive effect is very subtle. I only use 5-8 drops a night. Anyhow, it's a start.

View attachment 21353
Nice. What solvent did you use and your method?

Going to try making some myself this weekend. Did you chop up the buds a bit and decarb prior to the freeze?


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I chopped up the buds then applied isopropal alcohol. After getting rid of the chlorophyl, I reduced the alcohol with an air still (a bit of a disaster) then boiled off the remaining iso on a magnetic stirrer/hotplate. I held the final temp at 108 degrees for 2 hours to decarboxylate.


HPS turncoat
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I imagine that magnetic stirer you have would have been covered with oil? šŸ˜€

You wanna make sure you evap all ur iso right off...
iso imo is good to go if you make sure u have evaped it all.

If you got air stil, better option would be run ur moonshine afew times to get it up to 96+% alcohol, n use that instead of iso.

..Maybe, decard and freeze before you start the extraction process, might make a difference with potency.
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I imagine that magnetic stirer you have would have been covered with oil? šŸ˜€

You wanna make sure you evap all ur iso right off...
iso imo is good to go if you make sure u have evaped it all.

If you got air stil, better option would be run ur moonshine afew times to get it up to 96+% alcohol, n use that instead of iso.

..Maybe, decard and freeze before you start the extraction process, might make a difference with potency.
I thought about using ethanol. The air still is a pot still and it is hard to get over 60% alcohol. You really need a reflux still to get clean spirits I think. You think decarb in the oven rather than with the magnetic stirrer at the end? Ah, that would mean I have a magnetic stirrer and air still I don't need - bugga. Why freeze the buds?

The stirrer bar was covered in oil of course. It worked well though. Kept the liquid hot and moving while the iso boiled off.

I have 100g treated in two litres of iso sitting in the fridge. As soon as my 2 litre beaker gets here in the post I'll just boil the iso off and not worry about the still. Expensive way to do it though.


HPS turncoat
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Cant really comment on decarbing with magnetic stirrer/hotplate , I have only read about it. But it seems to work with abit of practice.i have only decard in oven.

Bummer on the stil %, there's aplenty of rigs out there where you can recover the alcohol/ethanol/iso ,so not much waste.

I wouldn't think ya need the stirring bar with the hotplate, iso boils off around 82c, not much stiring involved really, leave it out on a bench and it would eventually evaporate.

The hotplate would be good to sit on low overnight to get the last of the iso out.

As for freezing, I see your doing a long wash so freezing doesn't really matter, freezing is better for QWISO, freezing reduces the extraction of chlorophyll and other unwanted compounds.


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Cant really comment on decarbing with magnetic stirrer/hotplate , I have only read about it. But it seems to work with abit of practice.i have only decard in oven.

Bummer on the stil %, there's aplenty of rigs out there where you can recover the alcohol/ethanol/iso ,so not much waste.

I wouldn't think ya need the stirring bar with the hotplate, iso boils off around 82c, not much stiring involved really, leave it out on a bench and it would eventually evaporate.

The hotplate would be good to sit on low overnight to get the last of the iso out.

As for freezing, I see your doing a long wash so freezing doesn't really matter, freezing is better for QWISO, freezing reduces the extraction of chlorophyll and other unwanted compounds.
Then freezing might make the oil taste better? Mine is dark and quite bitter.


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Try a quick wash next time and see the difference...freezing your material and iso, then mixed together, the iso dissolve the trichomes quicker then it can dissolve any of the chlorophyll n waxes, leaving you with a "cleaner" oil.
I will try it when I get more iso. Australia Post are redefining the notion of "snails pace".

afghan bob

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Hmm very interesting, i've made a little bit of oil in the past and never de-carbed
Always used dried and cured bud and trimmings st outta freezer in2 mix bucket 4 about 3-5 mins
Maybe when i boil off iso this does the de-carb
I've tried this fast and slow, doesn;t seem 2 make diff
ALWAYS puts me on launch pad 2 blast off
Would actually like 2 try without de-carb somehow, maybe pump brakes a bit so i don't wake up in neighbors garden


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Hmm very interesting, i've made a little bit of oil in the past and never de-carbed
Always used dried and cured bud and trimmings st outta freezer in2 mix bucket 4 about 3-5 mins
Maybe when i boil off iso this does the de-carb
I've tried this fast and slow, doesn;t seem 2 make diff
ALWAYS puts me on launch pad 2 blast off
Would actually like 2 try without de-carb somehow, maybe pump brakes a bit so i don't wake up in neighbors garden

You could always just cut your oil with some form of edible oil (olive, nut, etc), or do you smoke it? Have your neighbours got automatic lawn sprinklers? Interesting about the Decarb. Of course if you smoke or vape the oil it doesn't need decarb.
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