Mentoring idea ?


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I was thinking of a mentoring program for members new or old.

TSE is wealth of knowledge not to be found elsewhere. There are many great growers here. Some excel in coco, soil, rockwool, hydro etc. Also fertilisers organic or salts. Fem, Reg or Auto. Indoor or Outdoor. Led or HPS, cold weather, Hot weather, and more.

If a member volunteers to mentor for a specialty, then a new/old member can work with the mentor via pm. This will allow the student to ask anything without fear “is my question stupid” factor.

To stop the slowdown of site posts, the student will need to have an updated grow diary where the general members can follow/interact. Over time the TSE public database of knowledge will increase exponentially.

For example, I maybe interested in growing in coco which is something I have never done before as I am a soil grower. So I would feel easier about completing my first successful coco grow using a mentor.

What are peoples thoughts ?

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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Good idea in theory. But toes get stood on, egos get crushed, and dummies get spat.

pulls up a stool 🍿
Yep. We've all seen posts of someone asking for help, and receive numerous replies. Sometimes the replies are unintentionally confusing or conflicting. Maybe new member can start a diary and ask for a mentor to help them via private chat. It would avoid some of these issues( ? )


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I know this is the wrong place but, just sat down, had the popcorn ready, beer etc. Ready to catch up on the political thread (whose idea was that anyhow, surly they knew what would happen). Nada. No thread and no porky. What’s he gone and done this time?


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For sure, I wish it every success. Im not intending to be a Debbie-Downer. There'd be nothing better than spreading the wealth of knowledge of all things cannabis.

Just yet to see this idea to turn into mostly positive experience for all involved. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong this time.

Go for it, shoot for the stars!.. 🖖


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It’s a good idea, I know it happens though pms , sometimes it’s not worth asking a question because of the grief and repercussions it causes, but in general it’s a great community and help is readability available, there are some really helpful people on here and there are others that not so , 👍


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You just need to PM guys. But the main thing I've found is if you getting advice off one person and fallow that technique, you need to stick to it the entire grow. Then try a different method next time. When I started out I was getting advice off multiple people, and even though they were all accomplished growers, they all had different systems and mixing them never worked. There are multiple techniques that work well. And the main thing is check people's grow diary and make sure they're getting the results your looking for.


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It'd be about the only way.

I can't recall how many times a newbie has come along, kicked off a thread asking for advice, only to have it go to shit quick because 2 or more veteran growers start clashing over some bullshit. The newb is then left overwhelmed/disillusioned and takes flight soon thereafter, never to be seen again. I feel for the poor bastards.

I'm just glad I was taught the fundamentals well before the internet lobbed on the scene. A bloke I regard as a sensei of outdoor cannabis growing. A Japanese gentleman with the calmest demeanour you would come across. Played a mean Spainish guitar, among other things. Thinking of ya, Shoji. 😎


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Yeah I've been guilty of it myself, it's mostly when someone says somthing won't work but you've been doing that exact same thing with good results. After being on here and seeing techniques that I was sure wouldn't work, not only work but work well, im learning to be an open book and take it in. then there is the techniques you know aren't going to have success, yield as expected. That's why pick a style you like, look at some diaries, ask the punters in a DM if they can help, and most will help you out if they say no move on to the next


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I'm on my last grow till after xmass because I'm going over seas. When I get back I will be moving my grow room into the shed. It's next to the neighbours and shed is hot as in summer so I'm going to build a sealed room out of cool room panels and run Co2, and some sort of cooling set up. So will be over getting the stuff to set it up after Xmas.
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