- User ID
- 2994
30 years ago, when Oz's were $30 a groups of friends divvied up a pound from Sydney, one shareholder pulled out, leaving a spot for me , I was working when I got the news, but I was in a partnership with s few of the shareholders, so I jumped into the HG work ute & went to score, dire straights were on rage, we wrapped a 2 paper (the bag was one huge head) and waited,,,I was a bit disapointed, but the job was done, & as I walked to the ute, I started to feel mellow, got into the ute, waved bye, and drove off, by the time I got into 2nd, I had no idea where I was, but I was very happy 'bout that, eventually I came across a familliar landmark, where I only had to choose between turning right, or left, I chose right, based on luck, then more familiar landmarks confirmed I had chosen the right way, but, my 3 remaining brain cells alerted me that I should turn at the roundabout, as a big footy game was on , I would be wise to avoid that busy street, but,,,,,,I must have gone into lalaland at the roundabout, & found myself playing in the busy traffic outside the footy oval,once home (work had to wait) I spent the next hr leaning on trees, fences or anything that could hold me up while the inevitable vomit happened, but it only got as close as a constant supply of spit to swallow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,over the next few days I tried 1 paper, a 1 paper with 50% tobacco, then a green crumb mixed with tobacco, I couldn't finish that either , to be continued