Memories from the good 'ol days


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30 years ago, when Oz's were $30 a groups of friends divvied up a pound from Sydney, one shareholder pulled out, leaving a spot for me , I was working when I got the news, but I was in a partnership with s few of the shareholders, so I jumped into the HG work ute & went to score, dire straights were on rage, we wrapped a 2 paper (the bag was one huge head) and waited,,,I was a bit disapointed, but the job was done, & as I walked to the ute, I started to feel mellow, got into the ute, waved bye, and drove off, by the time I got into 2nd, I had no idea where I was, but I was very happy 'bout that, eventually I came across a familliar landmark, where I only had to choose between turning right, or left, I chose right, based on luck, then more familiar landmarks confirmed I had chosen the right way, but, my 3 remaining brain cells alerted me that I should turn at the roundabout, as a big footy game was on , I would be wise to avoid that busy street, but,,,,,,I must have gone into lalaland at the roundabout, & found myself playing in the busy traffic outside the footy oval,once home (work had to wait) I spent the next hr leaning on trees, fences or anything that could hold me up while the inevitable vomit happened, but it only got as close as a constant supply of spit to swallow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,over the next few days I tried 1 paper, a 1 paper with 50% tobacco, then a green crumb mixed with tobacco, I couldn't finish that either , to be continued :p

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I remember the oldman back in the mid-70's getting guitar lessons off this hippy, they got talking after a few lessons and somehow a deal took place. Before the Oldman knew it, he had an oz in his hand for about $10-20. Now the Old fella wasn't a choofer, but reason he bought it was so he could try it out himself so he had some knowledge about before us kids hit our teenage years. He said he tried two joints and binned the rest, said it didn't do much for him, and it tasted shithouse. 😄

Another time in my late teens, I had a small patch over the back fence from where i lived back in the day. As it was, i had to go away for a couple of weeks. I asked him if he could water them while i was away. And his response was "i'll rip the bloody things out if anything" . Anyway, i came back eventually to see my plants doing better than they ever did. I finally got it out of him that he did keep the water up to them, and threw a bit of chook shit around them as well, lol.

He was stern dry old bugga. But he was a pretty top bloke all the same. R.I.P. Oldboy. (y)


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I paid $30 an oz in late 70's
I remember that too.. Although there was no weighing them it was just as much as could be shoved in the ol sandwich bag, we didnt have the ziplock bags back then.. ahhhh those were the days and the $5 thai sticks and as much oily black hash and double O caps of hash oil so thick it was a mission to get it out of the cap.. The best smoke I ever had was what we called nepalese temple balls of opiated hash that were like a deep dark reddish colour on the outside and greenish on the inside with chunks of blackish crystaline pieces thoughout.. pure fkn bliss!

Sun Ra

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I remember that too.. Although there was no weighing them it was just as much as could be shoved in the ol sandwich bag, we didnt have the ziplock bags back then.. ahhhh those were the days and the $5 thai sticks and as much oily black hash and double O caps of hash oil so thick it was a mission to get it out of the cap.. The best smoke I ever had was what we called nepalese temple balls of opiated hash that were like a deep dark reddish colour on the outside and greenish on the inside with chunks of blackish crystaline pieces thoughout.. pure fkn bliss!
Agree and remember all of that. Did you ever have that back hash back then that had the white stripes through it ?


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After trying hard & finding I couldn't smoke the previously mentioned flower, without slipping into a coma,,I did the next best thing I could think of & rolled a couple of doobies to take to a party (a keg), late @ night I fired one up, being careful to stand downwind from the resident drug test dummy, & played pass the parcel, when it got to the dummy, he made the darkness turn into orange/red glow before burning his lips, it was a full 1/2 hr before he came back wanting more, so I obliged, with a spoggy leg. which I declined when it was my turn, I went on with helping to empty the 18. He was conspicuous by his absence next time I looked, nobody knew where he was (I had a good idea), the following day he came around my home pleading for more, waving lobsters in my face desperately,,,sorry dummy, it's all gone I lied.
Big Robbo, you bought back some hash memories, a mate had a squash ball sized lump that we took on a ride, it got a bit smaller every night, While staying in small tents at a caravan park in Ballarat we met some locals at a pub down the road, one thought of himself as being able to out choof anyone, so @ stumps we all headed back to the caravan park, king kong choofalong was riding a Suzuki waterbottle, and had his own bong, unfortunately, it was taller than the tent, so to use it meant try & poke your head thru it, he too disappeared into the darkness after 1 bong, it was a typical Ballarat night, 1 degree, we all turned in for the night.
Several hours later we woke to the sound of a cold waterbottle being kicked, eventually it ring a dinged into life, he went hurtling down the street, then silence,,,,,he could out smoke anyone huh ?


Sun Ra

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I was hitchhiking in northern NSW with my girlfriend in late 1979. We were heading to Bowen to start with and got a lift from a hippy guy who had been panning for gold in nth VIC (successfully so he said) and was heading home to Bribie Island. He rolled a one paper straight weed toothpick spliff that we had in a small orange juice converted container / bong with a drinking straw in the side of it and the spliff attached to the straw.

I probably had two tokes on it and my GF at the time had one. To this day I have never been so fucked for so long.
Should add that it wasn't my first time smoking pot. Had been at it for a couple of years by that stage.


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After a very successful gardening year, I moved house, new start, I thought, new area, " she'll be right " ;) .
I planted some seeds at the back of a 70 mtr deep block, in an area once used as a chook house, I was confident, until coming home from work one day & finding a business card from senior sarg Plod poked in the fly screen door "please come & see me asap", yep, the plant(ettes) were gone
Officer plod was a pleasant kind of bloke,🤏 & rattled off a few facts, "we found hemp plants in pots after a tip off" Yes sir,, "so you knew they were there" , yes sir, "Did you plan on using the said hemp ?" , yes sir (he grinned with a got ya smile) "so, you planned on smoking it then ?" No sir, I don't smoke, I was going to try making some of that hemp rope I hear about, it's better, stronger & has better wear & UV resistance apparently ? "You are kidding me right ?" No sir,,,
I got to explain the whole story to a Judge too, including buying the house, finding the seedlings one day (I'm not sure what the ex owner fed his chooks , your Honor):unsure:
How do you explain the hemp was in pots "I transplanted them your Honor"
Why did you not destroy them ?
"Never look a gift horse in the mouth, your Honor"
Then the 'ol were you planning on using it saga question & explanation happened again, only when I got to the rope part, he was having a sip of legal water, which almost choked him (beware when sipping legal water),
Charges dismissed, I have no choice other than to inform you , you are responsible for wasting my time, &also responsible for court costs, of $16.(y)


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After trying hard & finding I couldn't smoke the previously mentioned flower, without slipping into a coma,,I did the next best thing I could think of & rolled a couple of doobies to take to a party (a keg), late @ night I fired one up, being careful to stand downwind from the resident drug test dummy, & played pass the parcel, when it got to the dummy, he made the darkness turn into orange/red glow before burning his lips, it was a full 1/2 hr before he came back wanting more, so I obliged, with a spoggy leg. which I declined when it was my turn, I went on with helping to empty the 18. He was conspicuous by his absence next time I looked, nobody knew where he was (I had a good idea), the following day he came around my home pleading for more, waving lobsters in my face desperately,,,sorry dummy, it's all gone I lied.
Big Robbo, you bought back some hash memories, a mate had a squash ball sized lump that we took on a ride, it got a bit smaller every night, While staying in small tents at a caravan park in Ballarat we met some locals at a pub down the road, one thought of himself as being able to out choof anyone, so @ stumps we all headed back to the caravan park, king kong choofalong was riding a Suzuki waterbottle, and had his own bong, unfortunately, it was taller than the tent, so to use it meant try & poke your head thru it, he too disappeared into the darkness after 1 bong, it was a typical Ballarat night, 1 degree, we all turned in for the night.
Several hours later we woke to the sound of a cold waterbottle being kicked, eventually it ring a dinged into life, he went hurtling down the street, then silence,,,,,he could out smoke anyone huh ?

Mate you deadset need to write a book.. I know all us old bastards have a lifetime of memories and stories but you really do tell a good story and its a good laugh reading.. I remember those watercooled 2 stroke suzi's they went pretty quick but we didnt think they were cool haha they were kinda the volvo of bikes 😆😆😆


The Dwarf Hermie King
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I remember that too.. Although there was no weighing them it was just as much as could be shoved in the ol sandwich bag, we didnt have the ziplock bags back then.. ahhhh those were the days and the $5 thai sticks and as much oily black hash and double O caps of hash oil so thick it was a mission to get it out of the cap.. The best smoke I ever had was what we called nepalese temple balls of opiated hash that were like a deep dark reddish colour on the outside and greenish on the inside with chunks of blackish crystaline pieces thoughout.. pure fkn bliss!
So opiated hash is hash mixed with black tar poppy resin??


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So opiated hash is hash mixed with black tar poppy resin??
As far as I could tell yes... in some type of form, the high from it was a warm dreamy who gives a fuck if theres a nuclear war type of feel and I remember being sad when it ran out for sure 🙃


The Dwarf Hermie King
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As far as I could tell yes... in some type of form, the high from it was a warm dreamy who gives a fuck if theres a nuclear war type of feel and I remember being sad when it ran out for sure 🙃
Yeah I've smoked opium a few times in Thailand and Vietnam and like ya said you couldn't give a fuck about anything!!
Very Moorish stuff though!!


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Chased the dragon a few times , same Thailand late 70s , good times

After earlier trips to Nepal and Hawaii and bringing home a few seeds found in some smoke and Hawaii was given seeds

The crop of 89 were seeds from the previous yr when they had been crossed

There were some interesting crosses , 1 very similar to to buds in Hawaii 1 that smelt like coffee and 3rd was this 8 ft beast that was covered in these bid black buds

In those days it wasn't uncommon to fund the following yrs holidays with the previous crop but always keeping enough for following yr

After clearing the Hawaiin and coffee buds funds were acquired

At this time we pretty much had visitors unless we were out , I'd say asleep but that didn't bother some they just waited for us to get up

Word starts to spread quickly that we had these black buds , I still rate these in my top 5 of all time smokes

The punters wanted to buy some of this black bud but it was not for sale , all of our ounces were gone the rest was our personal

Now considering we sold them for $150 a pop offers started to come for the black gold

One mate was that desperate to get some he offered $400 , that was too much to pass up on so we sold him 2

To this day I've never seen or heard of home grown going for that price , well until MC came on the scene

We already had a good reputation for the quality of our buds but this particular plant ensured whenever we had home grown for sale , as con the fruitier would say

Coupla days all gone. Beautiful


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Chased the dragon a few times , same Thailand late 70s , good times

After earlier trips to Nepal and Hawaii and bringing home a few seeds found in some smoke and Hawaii was given seeds

The crop of 89 were seeds from the previous yr when they had been crossed

There were some interesting crosses , 1 very similar to to buds in Hawaii 1 that smelt like coffee and 3rd was this 8 ft beast that was covered in these bid black buds

In those days it wasn't uncommon to fund the following yrs holidays with the previous crop but always keeping enough for following yr

After clearing the Hawaiin and coffee buds funds were acquired

At this time we pretty much had visitors unless we were out , I'd say asleep but that didn't bother some they just waited for us to get up

Word starts to spread quickly that we had these black buds , I still rate these in my top 5 of all time smokes

The punters wanted to buy some of this black bud but it was not for sale , all of our ounces were gone the rest was our personal

Now considering we sold them for $150 a pop offers started to come for the black gold

One mate was that desperate to get some he offered $400 , that was too much to pass up on so we sold him 2

To this day I've never seen or heard of home grown going for that price , well until MC came on the scene

We already had a good reputation for the quality of our buds but this particular plant ensured whenever we had home grown for sale , as con the fruitier would say

Coupla days all gone. Beautiful
If anyone on here should write a book is definitely fucking you mate!!


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Interesting life to say the least.

You know a lot more than the others , let's keep it that way 😇


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Yeah, I remember the Budda and the thai sticks. That's when i was just starting out mid 80's.. My folks took us on a trip to the USA when i was 14 and i smuggled a Thai Stick in the battery compartment of my new walkman. Lots of oil caps and good trips in the late 80's early 90's. Mid 90's the oil and hash started to dry up but the Mango and the compressed heads were everywhere. Then in the late 90's heaps of indoor weed was coming from SA.

In the 2000's it started going to shit and by the end of the decade PGR shit was starting to show up everywhere and the good times were over.. Grow or quit was my option.
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