Living Christmas trees.


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The wife has been hassling me for about 10 years to get a living tree.

Our 10 plus year old fake tree really is looking pretty sad, seems to have lost a bunch of bristles over time.

I’ve been looking at radiate pines, but seems I’d have to take it in and do it gets some sun, which is something I’m never going to do.

Besides hanging a big grow light over it, does anyone know if there would be some of those chain type light types that could be hung around it that have the right spectrum to keep it alive whilst indoors for a few weeks?

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Goonie Goat

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What about one of these things?
5000k is the closest to natural daylight so maybe look for something between 5000k-6500k.


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Pine trees do just fine in Alaska or far norrth Canada and in the winter there is very little light. Put it near the window maybe?

We decided to have a living tree this year. Not a pine, but it kinda looks like one and it feels like petting a fuzzy cat's tail!


Harry bootlace

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we had a living tree as a kid and it never suffered a few weeks indoors.
when it got too big we planted it in a local park. it’s now 3 stories tall.

we have a living tree now. will take it outside after xmas. no worries. no need for lights.
perennials don’t go south as fast as annuals.

unless you mean you want a dope plant as your tree. which is a good idea but might need lights.
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