Leaf damage help pls


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I've got a problem going on which I'm a bit concerned about so any help pls. I can't see what's doing the damage so they must be freaking small 🤣 I can see mites pretty easily which yes she has them not overly bad but enough for me to spend an hour Min going over her leaf by leaf but you know how it is. Could spider mites be the cause? For some reason I think it's something else. Will it have that much of a bad effect if I just let her keep going or will it get shitty real quick? Anyway thanks for any help hey..


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Pics not vert clear , shiploads of spider mites

Can't see the mites but you can see the damage they cause

Maybe a infestation of white fly

If it is good luck with that

The only way I could get rid of them was empty everything, sterilise, insecticide and sterilise again

Wait 4 weeks and start from scratch

Yes it's impossible to get rid of them on existing crops


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There's a lot of flat mites (false spider mites) around at this time of the year. Same damage as spider mites, but no webbing and a slower spread Initially.

False mites aren't as hard to rid as actual spider mites but still an ass late flower. They don't like humidity (not do your buds though) and air movement, so keep a lot of air movement. They are also more likely to have not adapted to pesticides. They like stagnant, dry air. The risk is decreased from actual spider mites as they do not web and it takes them longer to move from location to location. Luckily the webbing is what usually kicks off rot, and these don't web..

Harsh products will leaves residue on bud, but citric acid and Castile soap will work.

A bud wash will be needed for sure if you decide to keep plugging.

I had a flat mite infestation a year or so ago and i cleared it with citric acid and Castile soap. One bonus They vacate the plant when the moisture content lowers luckily, but you'll still need to wash with peroxide or lemon juice and baking soda to remove poop and carcasses that get caught on resin. Just make sure you don't have other plants around when you pull as the flat mites will move to the next plant when one dries.

7.5-10g citric acid and 2 tbsp Castile soap in a 1L sprayer will do the job, just don't forget to wash before you smoke as Castile will leave some residue.
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Thanks for that info..I might just have to cut my loss and see what she looks like once I've trimmed her back..luckily she's my last one going now..I'll take a break now until this shit heat has passed in about 2 months time.


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Thanks for that info..I might just have to cut my loss and see what she looks like once I've trimmed her back..luckily she's my last one going now..I'll take a break now until this shit heat has passed in about 2 months time.
Has been unusually dry here this summer...it's averaged 35-45% in the tent due to heat and air movement, and 50% in the room.

I had a few pop up on a bottom leaf the other day. That white stippling is always something you wanna take seriously. I brought them inside from the strawberries and passionfruit on our fence line while removing excess passionfruit vine...they are covered head to toe so I'm on the lookout and have started an ipm routine outside and inside just to make sure. If only the neighbours would look after their "garden".
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Oh well live and learn hey!!! I just chopped the top and I'd say I've lost about 1/3 it's not an infestation but enough for me to not want to smoke it 🤣👍. I'll take my chances with the rest..good thing I'm having a break for a couple of months growing, it's just too frigging hot and humid at the moment so I'll wait until around the end of summer to start up again.


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Oh well live and learn hey!!! I just chopped the top and I'd say I've lost about 1/3 it's not an infestation but enough for me to not want to smoke it 🤣👍. I'll take my chances with the rest..good thing I'm having a break for a couple of months growing, it's just too frigging hot and humid at the moment so I'll wait until around the end of summer to start up again.
Tbh I'dove to teak a break over summer simply due to the extra two or so degrees the light adds while recirculating. It's hard enough to sleep in 23-24c let alone 26c or more...

But summer comes every year and i can't help myself. It's an all consuming hobby.

Best of luck.


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View attachment 30112

There's a lot of flat mites (false spider mites) around at this time of the year. Same damage as spider mites, but no webbing and a slower spread Initially.

False mites aren't as hard to rid as actual spider mites but still an ass late flower. They don't like humidity (not do your buds though) and air movement, so keep a lot of air movement. They are also more likely to have not adapted to pesticides. They like stagnant, dry air. The risk is decreased from actual spider mites as they do not web and it takes them longer to move from location to location. Luckily the webbing is what usually kicks off rot, and these don't web..

Harsh products will leaves residue on bud, but citric acid and Castile soap will work.

A bud wash will be needed for sure if you decide to keep plugging.

I had a flat mite infestation a year or so ago and i cleared it with citric acid and Castile soap. One bonus They vacate the plant when the moisture content lowers luckily, but you'll still need to wash with peroxide or lemon juice and baking soda to remove poop and carcasses that get caught on resin. Just make sure you don't have other plants around when you pull as the flat mites will move to the next plant when one dries.

7.5-10g citric acid and 2 tbsp Castile soap in a 1L sprayer will do the job, just don't forget to wash before you smoke as Castile will leave some residue.
Cheers again great info for the peeps here, what do you mean wash before you smoke though?


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Cheers again great info for the peeps here, what do you mean wash before you smoke though?
A bud wash at harvest. If you've ever ran into pest issues or had to spray during flower, have had questionable air quality and environment or suspect there might be mould spores, a good wash comes in handy.

Take 3 5 gallon buckets. Add 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup baking soda to the first bucket and plain water to the second and third. If you want to be safe use RO water.

Swirl the bud around in each container, starting with the lemon juice and baking soda.

You can use citric acid instead of Lemon juice. If you want a foolproof wash, go lemon juice and baking soda in one, 1/2 cup peroxide in the second and straight water the third bucket.

You'll be surprised what comes off even an indoor grow, and it's basically integral for an outdoor harvest.

Trichs aren't water soluble so it won't wash any of the goodies away..

You can dry and cure as normal afterwards.


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A bud wash at harvest. If you've ever ran into pest issues or had to spray during flower, have had questionable air quality and environment or suspect there might be mould spores, a good wash comes in handy.

Take 3 5 gallon buckets. Add 1/4 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup baking soda to the first bucket and plain water to the second and third. If you want to be safe use RO water.

Swirl the bud around in each container, starting with the lemon juice and baking soda.

You can use citric acid instead of Lemon juice. If you want a foolproof wash, go lemon juice and baking soda in one, 1/2 cup peroxide in the second and straight water the third bucket.

You'll be surprised what comes off even an indoor grow, and it's basically integral for an outdoor harvest.

Trichs aren't water soluble so it won't wash any of the goodies away..

You can dry and cure as normal afterwards.
@VinDeezle thanks for the info bud..definitely something I can use..


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RE: Bud wash... Cheers @VinDeezle great info bro, I'm sure Im not the only one that has learned somethin new with this👍
Well buddy that's where you are wrong

Yes that was a fancy piece of cut n paste

No it's not truly useful information

You've been here a while now and ever seen this discussion before ?

This sort of information can be damaging in the wrong hands

The question is weather or not it's worth washing your buds , the simple answer is no it's not

In extreme cases , maybe , as a general rule of thumb that someone does on every occasion, that's just fucking crazy

I'm not even going to go into the down sides they are obvious

My advice to you is learn what different bugs signs of infestation are and how to prevent them in the first place

Mustn't be a very good grower is you have to go through a 3 stage wash every crop

Be wary of a member who feels the need to answer everybody's problems with Google cut n paste

The internet is full of lots of useful information and lots more information that is not

There's lots of ppl here that plenty of useful information just be patient they will chime in , maybe , but it amazes me that newcomers feel this need to fill every void with tit bits of useful sometimes harmful information in the hands of newbies

It's better for the OP to get answers from experienced ppl and their solutions rather than someone else regurgitating google trying to make themselves look knowledgeable

So if you go down this path good luck , I'm sure your buds will taste ?


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Well buddy that's where you are wrong

Yes that was a fancy piece of cut n paste

No it's not truly useful information

You've been here a while now and ever seen this discussion before ?

This sort of information can be damaging in the wrong hands

The question is weather or not it's worth washing your buds , the simple answer is no it's not

In extreme cases , maybe , as a general rule of thumb that someone does on every occasion, that's just fucking crazy

I'm not even going to go into the down sides they are obvious

My advice to you is learn what different bugs signs of infestation are and how to prevent them in the first place

Mustn't be a very good grower is you have to go through a 3 stage wash every crop

Be wary of a member who feels the need to answer everybody's problems with Google cut n paste

The internet is full of lots of useful information and lots more information that is not

There's lots of ppl here that plenty of useful information just be patient they will chime in , maybe , but it amazes me that newcomers feel this need to fill every void with tit bits of useful sometimes harmful information in the hands of newbies

It's better for the OP to get answers from experienced ppl and their solutions rather than someone else regurgitating google trying to make themselves look knowledgeable

So if you go down this path good luck , I'm sure your buds will taste ?
Lol. Who pissed in your cornflakes today. Very uninformed post. Bud washing is a very common practice when presented with pest issues.

What's cut and paste about it? I used this method quite a few times growing outdoors over five years when presented with pests, and never had any issues post harvest.

What exactly is your issue with the process and why would you think it would be an issue?

It's a very simple process. When you see the shit that comes off a pest ridden plant you'll thank me.

Theres no reason to wash every crop...there's a reason to wash every crop that has had pest issues or had insecticidal soaps or sprays used during flower.

Tell me again, what was copy and pasted? It's an old home remedy that's been used to clean produce for decades. There are no downsides at all bar a risk of mould of you don't dry them properly before hanging.

I'm sure his buds will taste fine without the microbes, ash, hair, poop, mite carcasses and pollutants in them.
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Mate it took 2 minutes to find where you got that from , almost word for word , so maybe you plaguerised a little

It was obvious as soon as it mentioned gallons , should have changed that bit too

Sure outside in the red dirt out west

Growing autos I'd expect you've never had enough to really understand what it takes to dry , trim and cure a few pounds at a time

Now imagine having to wash 3 pounds trim and dry and cure

If your indoors is full of bug shit etc mat as well stay outside

Sure when I started indoors I went through the same as everyone else , mites , white flies and fungus gnats

Now , especially after my white fly escapade , I have learnt how to keep them out , which is by far the better option

Helps to re read your post sometimes
" You'll be surprised what comes off even an indoor grow, and it's basically integral for an outdoor harvest. "

So from what I've seen n read you grow autos right?

And this statement suggests that it's integral to outside grows , so yeah you did say every grow

You DC come to weed forum and think you coming up with something new ?

Same as your picx you through at threads like " hey look at me "
They not that impressive


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Mate it took 2 minutes to find where you got that from , almost word for word , so maybe you plaguerised a little

It was obvious as soon as it mentioned gallons , should have changed that bit too

Sure outside in the red dirt out west

Growing autos I'd expect you've never had enough to really understand what it takes to dry , trim and cure a few pounds at a time

Now imagine having to wash 3 pounds trim and dry and cure

If your indoors is full of bug shit etc mat as well stay outside

Sure when I started indoors I went through the same as everyone else , mites , white flies and fungus gnats

Now , especially after my white fly escapade , I have learnt how to keep them out , which is by far the better option

Helps to re read your post sometimes
" You'll be surprised what comes off even an indoor grow, and it's basically integral for an outdoor harvest. "

So from what I've seen n read you grow autos right?

And this statement suggests that it's integral to outside grows , so yeah you did say every grow

You DC come to weed forum and think you coming up with something new ?

Same as your picx you through at threads like " hey look at me "
They not that impressive
I see. Pikeys mate..your going to come harass me too now I suppose.

I got that recipe four years ago from rollitup forum lol.

I grew photos outdoors for five years before moving indoors...pound harvests were nothing out of the ordinary.. you seem to be making a lot of assumptions about someone you don't know. None of my last Indoor run were autos btw. I usually run a few of each.

I quote gallons for all of my pot sizes. Deal with it..

Your criticisms seem to be based on bias against me, not my actual advice.
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