Jiffy pots and coco mix?


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Forgive the amateur question, I see there are a couple of folks that feeling a little ‘angry’ this morning.

I’ll have a 2x4 tent soon (fingers crossed) and figure I’ll fit two plants (maybe three?) in it, so I was thinking I’d germinate say 6 seeds to be sure I’ll end up with 2 for potting.

I’ve read that putting germinated plants in coco into a larger pot can be difficult, cause the coco can be really loose. I thought I could start them in a jiffy pot (compostable ones) but realised now they’re made of peat.

Will starting in the jiffy pot before putting the whole thing into a larger fabric pot fuck things up cause I’m mixing ‘peat’ into the coco mix?

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I put 2 runt seedlings into Coco 4 or 5 days ago. They were in seed raising mix in jiffy peat pots and the first white roots were just seen outside the pots. 24 hours later they were going just fine, so I don't think the peat into coco is a problem, however this is the first time I've done it.
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