Is Rosin Really All It's Hyped Up To Be???


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I just bought myself a rosin press for Christmas and while it's definitely a bit of fun pressing rosin and I still have much to improve I have no doubt but it's more the time and effort there is involved in smoking the shit!

Does anyone else kinda feel the same?

I mean this shit is sticky and tacky it's fucked Lol.
I won't go as far as saying it's worse than that black shit on the bottom of our cones but it's still pretty bad.

And wtf is this hot start shit I tell ya.. don't they know you shouldn't mix flame throwers and stoned people 🤣 I've lost count how many times I've roasted my fingers on the fucking bowl.

Each to their owch to their own of course and I agree it's a nice smoke once you get it going but jeez Louis you got a lotta work to do beforehand.

Perhaps there's some knowledgeable and sharing folks on here with some useful information to help a brother out.20221216_012022.jpg20221216_011805.jpg

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The man your mother warned you about.
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Have you tried it with liquidiser in a vape ?


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I haven't Sedge, something you recommend?

What proof alcohol do you need for that?
I have 70 percent will that do?


The man your mother warned you about.
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No alcohol.

50% rosin
50% liquidiser
in shot glass, microwave for 8 seconds .
stir and ready to vape.

Redcliffe vape are cheap but out of stock ,,
I got mine from eBay ,,
i got mango and original which is plain
I prefer the flavoured as its kinda sweeter but not a strong flavour at all.



User ID
I just bought myself a rosin press for Christmas and while it's definitely a bit of fun pressing rosin and I still have much to improve I have no doubt but it's more the time and effort there is involved in smoking the shit!

Does anyone else kinda feel the same?

I mean this shit is sticky and tacky it's fucked Lol.
I won't go as far as saying it's worse than that black shit on the bottom of our cones but it's still pretty bad.

And wtf is this hot start shit I tell ya.. don't they know you shouldn't mix flame throwers and stoned people 🤣 I've lost count how many times I've roasted my fingers on the fucking bowl.

Each to their owch to their own of course and I agree it's a nice smoke once you get it going but jeez Louis you got a lotta work to do beforehand.

Perhaps there's some knowledgeable and sharing folks on here with some useful information to help a brother out.View attachment 28536View attachment 28537
How you smoking it? I got given a bunch ages ago for my birthday and it was the first time I had a season to rip out the dab rig. It’s not something I’d want to do constant but I’ve been tempted a few times since to by a press for the times I feel like having a rip.


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I'm using this stupid half bong half crack pipe thing which I paid $100 for the pleasure of smoking through.

The shit thing is is that you gotta clean the glass bowl after every cone and you gotta do it while it's still fukn hot otherwise the shit just sticks to the bowl and it's impossible to remove even with alcohol!

I think id rather smoke a normal cone any day 20221218_013519.jpg


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No alcohol.

50% rosin
50% liquidiser
in shot glass, microwave for 8 seconds .
stir and ready to vape.

Redcliffe vape are cheap but out of stock ,,
I got mine from eBay ,,
i got mango and original which is plain
I prefer the flavoured as its kinda sweeter but not a strong flavour at all.

View attachment 28539
What the fuck is liquidiser sedge and where do I get it from?


The man your mother warned you about.
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I didn’t know either till Hudo got me onto it ,,
google ,vape liquidiser.


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I'm using this stupid half bong half crack pipe thing which I paid $100 for the pleasure of smoking through.

The shit thing is is that you gotta clean the glass bowl after every cone and you gotta do it while it's still fukn hot otherwise the shit just sticks to the bowl and it's impossible to remove even with alcohol!

I think id rather smoke a normal cone any day View attachment 28625
I can relate, it can be a pain in the arse getting the hang of it. Only tip I can add is you got to get that quartz banger glowing red hot before you dab.

But yeah, that carbon build up (or whatever it is) is hard to clean up. Best I could come up with iso and steel wool. But then, it won't be perfectly clean.

Bongs are less of a hassle as you mentioned

Kee Mao

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I'm using this stupid half bong half crack pipe thing which I paid $100 for the pleasure of smoking through.

The shit thing is is that you gotta clean the glass bowl after every cone and you gotta do it while it's still fukn hot otherwise the shit just sticks to the bowl and it's impossible to remove even with alcohol!

I think id rather smoke a normal cone any day View attachment 28625
what about a vape?


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Yep, concentrates are good for a binge for up to a week or so. But i wouldn't want to be doing it full time.

In the new year i'll probably get a Dab Rig and just dry herb through the Mighty+


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Yea, I think it's nice as a novelty, something different, a bit like hash or oil...nice as a novelty, but not a full time smoko.
I've got some 'fossilised' hash here somewhere. It was before I started date stamping each block, so that'd be pre '09. I've still got cigar tubes full of dated pucks I put away for a rainy day too...Hasn't rained yet :ROFLMAO:


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I can relate, it can be a pain in the arse getting the hang of it. Only tip I can add is you got to get that quartz banger glowing red hot before you dab.

But yeah, that carbon build up (or whatever it is) is hard to clean up. Best I could come up with iso and steel wool. But then, it won't be perfectly clean.

Bongs are less of a hassle as you mentioned
Na apparently that’s not the go anymore. The excess heat isn’t good and some other shit. With the quartz bangers the go no is to use a carb cap and slowly bring the banger up to temps.


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Na apparently that’s not the go anymore. The excess heat isn’t good and some other shit. With the quartz bangers the go no is to use a carb cap and slowly bring the banger up to temps.
Makes more sense. At least with that method you should be able to see it build up to optimal temp to vaporise it, before hitting it.

Whereas what I was doing, sometimes it could go up in a flash and have a burnt taste if the carbon built up in the banger. Only used the carb cap to contain the mayhem in between tokes. 😄

Goes to show you can get some bumsteer's on YouTube.


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Makes more sense. At least with that method you should be able to see it build up to optimal temp to vaporise it, before hitting it.

Whereas what I was doing, sometimes it could go up in a flash and have a burnt taste if the carbon built up in the banger. Only used the carb cap to contain the mayhem in between tokes. 😄

Goes to show you can get some bumsteer's on YouTube.
I only found out about a month ago watching a podcast with Matt riot.

There’s probably a bunch of people still dabbing into glowing bangers but.
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