Is it still ok to grow auto seeds outdoor now?


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I understand that the ideal temperature is 20 - 30. But here in Melbourne west, the temperature is dropping to 13-15 at morning and night. Just wondering if it's too late now or indoor is the only proper option now? Thank you!

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The man your mother warned you about.
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You’ll be fine ,,,got enough summer left to get you through..
and if you think it’s gonna be too cold some nights just bring your plant inside till morning.


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You’ll be fine ,,,got enough summer left to get you through..
and if you think it’s gonna be too cold some nights just bring your plant inside till morning.
alright then. I will do that. thank you sadge!


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Depends on the situation of course, covering them with something like frost cloth on those cold nights might be an option, if it's easier than shifting them.

afghan bob

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Mate with autos it's more about how good of a start u get more so than finish
Start em indoors under some sorta light and try and get 3-4 sets of branches, get em as big as u can in veg before flowering outside. As mentioned u've got enough time 2 finish outside, but u gotta get em 2 a size where they worth finishing
U on the clock when it comes 2 autos, they will flower and finish whenever their genes tell em


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Mate with autos it's more about how good of a start u get more so than finish
Start em indoors under some sorta light and try and get 3-4 sets of branches, get em as big as u can in veg before flowering outside. As mentioned u've got enough time 2 finish outside, but u gotta get em 2 a size where they worth finishing
U on the clock when it comes 2 autos, they will flower and finish whenever their genes tell em
damn that's a good tip. should have done it like that. will keep in mind. thanks
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