I'm still alive! Just.


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Well, sorry for the absence but my battle with cancer took on a life of its own.

I started hemorrhaging again and had to ring 000 and the rockstar paramedics saved my life.
Local hospital kept me alive and stabilised me and then transported me to a large regional hospital for 3 weeks - 15 treatments in total, of pallative external beam radiation so I could "die with dignity".
They did zap the bone mets along with the primary lesion.
All and all I am very grateful to still be alive.
In fact I was given a - 6 month life expectancy in Feb.
It's now October - I've been the odds by 3 months and counting.
Every day I wake up is a blessing.

I haven't had an opportunity to start a grow because so much has been happening.

I have started a anti-cancer protocol called Tippen's Protocol.
That and taking 3mls of Ivermectin per day and a whole range of different suppliments
I put down to living as long as I have.

I've dropped so much weight and muscle mass - over 20 kgs and my skin is hanging off me
BUT I'm still as fiesty and as pigheaded as ever.

The external beam radiation hasn't been without its side effects.
Pelvic radiation disease has been a issue but still given the choice between pelvic radiation disease
and death I'd choose pelvic radiation disease.

I have opted out of being monitored by doctors re: blood tests and scans and instead have chosen to just live every day
on my own terms.
I will however be reaching out to my radio oncologist, who still has me listed as a patient and get an appointment for another
PET scan.
I'm extremely curious to see if the Tippen's Protocol, Ivermectin and sups have made the cancer shrink.

My pain is minimal and is managed by over the counter pain killers.
I haven't had a single bled event since my radiation.

I'm very, VERY grateful.

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Good old ivermectin ,,,it’s been used on people for quite a while until COVID came along ,,then it miraculously transformed into only used on animals ,,,for the people who believed the narrative.lol

Welcome back GS,,
keep up the fight.
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