I'm back again....but only just


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Hi Punters,
Some of you will be aware I have 2 Teenage Kids. Anyway the eldest who will be 18 in a month's time has been running a complete fuck for over a year. He managed to get his 17 year old Brothers Car Impounded, Got caught with Drugs & Implements in the Car, Banned from the School Formal for a completely different reason, crashed the BMW while driving unlicensed and without permission to drive, and a whole host of other shit. It goes without saying he has been taking my Cannabis.
So as soon as I noticed this behaviour about a year ago I went into hiding and went all defensive expecting the Police to rock up on my door step at any time.

Cut a long Story short the Cops did just that 2 months ago when they rocked up to the House to Collect the Car for the 3 month Impound. I forgot to shut down the Hydro and had 2 very Stinky Girls pouring their heavenly scent all down the Fucking Coppers Nose. I tried to drag the Copper into the House but he wouldnt have a Bar of it, and straight away I thought fuck me he can smell it alright. The process of the Impounding and waiting for the Tow Truck took about an hour. Toward the end the Copper says to me "I know what that smell is" I tried to pretend like it was nothing and none of his Business. So then he says " Don't make me get a Search Warrant" . Wrong thing to say Copper Cunt!!!...Now you have really pissed me off.

So then I had to clean the whole Property. took me all afternoon and night until 5am in the Morning. I left the Hydro setup in the Roof with the HPS light as well. I also left the Work light on so the Light leaks out under the Tiles. I basically did everything I could to get them to show up. I even put Cannabis Leaves in the Rubbish. Even put stinky Buds in the Front Garden....2 Months on nothing. So either ASIO has intervened which is the most likely case or they are still yet to come.
ASIO are always not far behind me due to my views on all sorts of shit from the Great Pyramids to Magnetic Pole Reversion Climate Change, Illuminati, and a host of other shit they do not want me talking about.

So I thought to myself well If you Cunts don't like me growing on my own Property. Fuck it then I'll grow on your Fucking Property (Crown Land) and my Property. So thats what I'm doing...I have 6 Plants growing on the fence Line along a Government Easement and I have 6 growing on my Place.

So now I basically don't give flying fuck if they come and Search me and bust me...after the year I have already had Jail would be a nice fucking rest.
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The Dwarf Hermie King
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Your being paranoid mate. Empty threats mate. If they were going to raid you it would of happened in the first day or 2.
Relax mate it's good to see ya back and have seen nothing but glowing reviews of ya BMS.
Ya son needs a good punch in the face like Bill said. Fucking wake up to ya self son and ide happily do the same to me own son if he was doing what your son has been doing.

Hi Punters,
Some of you will be aware I have 2 Teenage Kids. Anyway the eldest who will be 18 in a month's time has been running a complete fuck for over a year. He managed to get his 17 year old Brothers Car Impounded, Got caught with Drugs & Implements in the Car, Banned from the School Formal for a completely different reason, crashed the BMW while driving unlicensed and without permission to drive, and a whole host of other shit. It goes without saying he has been taking my Cannabis.
So as soon as I noticed this behaviour about a year ago I went into hiding and went all defensive expecting the Police to rock up on my door step at any time.

Cut a long Story short the Cops did just that 2 months ago when they rocked up to the House to Collect the Car for the 3 month Impound. I forgot to shut down the Hydro and had 2 very Stinky Girls pouring their heavenly scent all down the Fucking Coppers Nose. I tried to drag the Copper into the House but he wouldnt have a Bar of it, and straight away I thought fuck me he can smell it alright. The process of the Impounding and waiting for the Tow Truck took about an hour. Toward the end the Copper says to me "I know what that smell is" I tried to pretend like it was nothing and none of his Business. So then he says " Don't make me get a Search Warrant" . Wrong thing to say Copper Cunt!!!...Now you have really pissed me off.

So then I had to clean the whole Property. took me all afternoon and night until 5am in the Morning. I left the Hydro setup in the Roof with the HPS light as well. I also left the Work light on so the Light leaks out under the Tiles. I basically did everything I could to get them to show up. I even put Cannabis Leaves in the Rubbish. Even put stinky Buds in the Front Garden....2 Months on nothing. So either ASIO has intervened which is the most likely case or they are still yet to come.
ASIO are always not far behind me due to my views on all sorts of shit from the Great Pyramids to Magnetic Pole Reversion Climate Change, Illuminati, and a host of other shit they do not want me talking about.

So I thought to myself well If you Cunts don't like me growing on my own Property. Fuck it then I'll grow on your Fucking Property (Crown Land) and my Property. So thats what I'm doing...I have 6 Plants growing on the fence Line along a Government Easement and I have 6 growing on my Place.

So now I basically don't give flying fuck if they come and Search me and bust me...after the year I have already had Jail would be a nice fucking rest.


User ID
Yeah thats what finally did change shit actually. I Started giving him the Cain across the Fingertips like I used to get at School. That and no more hanging around other Losers he sided up with at school. He also knows his shit is out on the Street as soon as he turns 18, and he knows I'm dead serious


The Dwarf Hermie King
User ID
Yeah thats what finally did change shit actually. I Started giving him the Cain across the Fingertips like I used to get at School. That and no more hanging around other Losers he sided up with at school. He also knows his shit is out on the Street as soon as he turns 18, and he knows I'm dead serious
You a school teacher mate!! 🤣🤣
My kid would get a solid jab to the jaw if he pulled that shit!!


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Dude... Its one thing to have trouble come knocking, but you don't have to invite it in, give it a seat and offer it a beer.

Obviously too much paperwork to be bothered with you (or they figure you have enough shit going on in your life).

Teenagers - yeah. Had my 16yo daughter turn up blind drunk (dumbass) because she was too scared to go back to her mothers - I know she is going to be real trouble, as is my son and step daughter (have 5 kids) - I am NOT looking forward to it.

As they say though, spare the rod and spoil the child - my little bastards get smacked still. Bring back the cane, like we used to at school. Teachers have nothing to keep those little fuckers in line any more.


The cane had bugger all effect on me and mates. It used to be like a competition to see who could get the most. It was not a deterrent at all.
Hitting a kid might work on a 6 year old, but it's not the answer to an 18 year old. Not even sure it works on little kids long term tbh.


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Yeah I hear ya, but I have a Wife I have to fit into the equation as well. Just saying it's not an easy balancing trick.

It's good to see the Blue Monkey didn't dissapoint. She has too many Pheno's to be sure, but if you get that big lanky Sativa style bitch with the Fruity Smell it's worth the Nutes. I've grown it about 30 times now and the best Pheno pops up around 30% of the time, So I'm sure I can get it lot more stable with just 1 more run.
I'm growing the famous Blueberry Strain next. Auto version of course. I've always wanted to try it out. Only have 1 seed so it will get STS and if she has good Stink and Structure.... I'll self it.
I did a GSC Auto run and got a good stack of Seeds, I never liked the structure & terps of the Mother and the off spring are the same, so I never released any Seeds. Won't go into it too much but the 6 or so I tested were all very weak stems, slow, small Bud size, fuck all smell, average Resin & Potency, apart from that its a great Plant🤣 Sucks when you only have one Seed to work with.

I'm not into Boy Bands but I have always liked that Song, cheers Gazza
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He stole a car, stole ya gear and you give him a cain across the fingertips.? Wow, you really brought down the hammer. lol
There is allways two sides to a coin and two sides to a story. Question is who is telling the truth and who is telling a lie.

Give a retard a spoon and he'll eat the cake, take the cake away and he might just cry.


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If you treat me bad. I'll treat you worse.

If I treat you bad. Then one of these days, I might just treat you better. :)

If you treat me good. I'll treat you better.

Speaking of Karma... Ain't life a bitch. Everything that is golden, comes to an end eventually.
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