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Hi, I am writing this on behalf of my mum who is in her late 80s. I am in my early 50s and she caught me with something green and alight under the house when I was a teenager. Goodness did I cop a mouthful all those years ago. My mum is in chronic pain and is starting to take a very different viewpoint in terms of trying something different. Perception medication is not working for her and she says she can’t afford to purchase medical marijuana. I am sure she would be considered a good candidate for approved medical use, but apparently it is really expensive. She suffers from arthritis and nerve pain. She would never smoke, but I suggested she should consider making her own eatables. I said I would look for forums online and start that research ball rolling for her. For me, I just want to learn more about the green stuff in general. I find it helpful for anxiety (depending upon the varieties). Although I don’t know how to tell the difference, by look, smell or taste, indica tends to knock me around and I much prefer something more uplifting. Can anyone help me help her on how to get started?

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Welcome, Greenasgrass.

It sounds as if you've got a lot of research ahead of you, because what you mentioned makes it pretty hard for someone to give you simple answers to your questions. It's only after years of experience that you'll find something suitable for your mother, because folks can have different experiences from one person to the next.

In the short term. All I could suggest is maybe research some sativa dominant hybrid strains. That way you should get that uplifting effect your looking for, that can be grown in a reasonable time frame.

Good luck with it all. (y)
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