Hi from Fraser Coast


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I stumbled across this site today and I was very pleased to see some old OzStoners members.
I was user DogFish but did a typo when signing up on this site, which I will fix once restrictions allow me.

My last grow was so good that I havn't needed to grow for over a year. I'm getting ready to grow again as soon as the weather cools, probably early March.

I grow indoors in a small tent. My kids are getting old enough now to snoop around and ask uncomfortable questions, so my focus for the next week is to find a way to lock them out of my grow area (garage storage, floor to ceiling sliding cuboards on tracks).

I have a 2 x Blue Monkey Shit Auto seeds left from Buzzo and a 1 x Girls Scout Cookie Auto from Frosty Flowers (rip).
I'm going to try make some seeds from them. I never done this before, anybody know where to get STS spray?

Have a good weekend,
cheers DogFish

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Old fox

Customs Avoidance
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I stumbled across this site today and I was very pleased to see some old OzStoners members.
I was user DogFish but did a typo when signing up on this site, which I will fix once restrictions allow me.

My last grow was so good that I havn't needed to grow for over a year. I'm getting ready to grow again as soon as the weather cools, probably early March.

I grow indoors in a small tent. My kids are getting old enough now to snoop around and ask uncomfortable questions, so my focus for the next week is to find a way to lock them out of my grow area (garage storage, floor to ceiling sliding cuboards on tracks).

I have a 2 x Blue Monkey Shit Auto seeds left from Buzzo and a 1 x Girls Scout Cookie Auto from Frosty Flowers (rip).
I'm going to try make some seeds from them. I never done this before, anybody know where to get STS spray?

Have a good weekend,
cheers DogFish
G'day mate. You can buy a premix STS called OzSTS, which is available on eBay. I personally haven't tried it, but Gazza has recently sprayed a few FEMS, so waiting to see those results. Otherwise you can buy the dry ingredients to mix your own, also on eBay. Silver Nitrate ( used for photography) and Sodium Thiosulphate ( mostly penta hydrate within Aus). Formula is slightly different for Anhydrous vs Penta hydrate. Send me a private message if you take that option, and I'm happy to chat you through the process.

Kee Mao

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That's teetering on the precipice of disaster, they can't keep a secret :LOL:
When I was younger,a mate and I went to see the drug store cowboy movie one arvo. Decided to blow a joint in the park before the movie. Found a discrete spot. Choof. Group of kids about 5 and teachers pop out of nowhere and pass about 30m away. Can hear a little voice pipe up” Miss they’re smoking bongs” Close enough,nailed.😂


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When I was younger,a mate and I went to see the drug store cowboy movie one arvo. Decided to blow a joint in the park before the movie. Found a discrete spot. Choof. Group of kids about 5 and teachers pop out of nowhere and pass about 30m away. Can hear a little voice pipe up” Miss they’re smoking bongs” Close enough,nailed.😂

Our son's first grade teacher had them draw pics for Mother's Day of what their Mommies would do with their presents and how they would spend Mother's Day. My pic was of stick figure me perched on a couch with a bottle of champagne in one stick hand and a big bar of chocolate in the other, I was outed as a boozy chocolate addict :ROFLMAO:

I was never so glad we didn't smoke around the kids.

Kee Mao

User ID
Our son's first grade teacher had them draw pics for Mother's Day of what their Mommies would do with their presents and how they would spend Mother's Day. My pic was of stick figure me perched on a couch with a bottle of champagne in one stick hand and a big bar of chocolate in the other, I was outed as a boozy chocolate addict :ROFLMAO:

I was never so glad we didn't smoke around the kids.
I bet teachers of young kids know many ways to imbibe. These days,you hope your kids are good enough artists,that the teachers can tell the diff between a bong and an ice pipe.


The Dwarf Hermie King
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Welcome mate.
Yeah the old hide from the kids gig is hard. I am debating about actually telling them exactly what it is, why I grow it, why the government doesn’t like us growing it and to not tell anyone I grow it 😂
Tell em mate mine have known for a while now!! Me son who's 11 who's best mate has an older brother in high school tells em all about weed and other drugs so I just told him the truth that I vape and it's for me so I don't have to buy it or vape unhealthy shit grown by Vietnamese gangs!
Little fucker starts high school next year and the worry will go from him telling to him trying to steal it off me to smoke!! 🤣

Me daughter who's the one I worry about blabbing just thinks I grow flowers indoors and she knows not to tell anyone but I'll sit her down when she's a bit older and explain it to her fully!! She's got ADD so she'll just ignore me and forget about it anyway!! 🤣


Community Member
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I stumbled across this site today and I was very pleased to see some old OzStoners members.
I was user DogFish but did a typo when signing up on this site, which I will fix once restrictions allow me.

My last grow was so good that I havn't needed to grow for over a year. I'm getting ready to grow again as soon as the weather cools, probably early March.

I grow indoors in a small tent. My kids are getting old enough now to snoop around and ask uncomfortable questions, so my focus for the next week is to find a way to lock them out of my grow area (garage storage, floor to ceiling sliding cuboards on tracks).

I have a 2 x Blue Monkey Shit Auto seeds left from Buzzo and a 1 x Girls Scout Cookie Auto from Frosty Flowers (rip).
I'm going to try make some seeds from them. I never done this before, anybody know where to get STS spray?

Have a good weekend,
cheers DogFish
Are you keen on making fem seeds and auto seeds ? 🤔


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Are you keen on making fem seeds and auto seeds ? 🤔
I'd like to have a go at making seeds. I haven't given it too much thought yet. I'm still going to message Old Fox for some tips and what to buy.

I have some photo period seeds coming and I have two existing auto strains I'd like to make seeds so I always have stock of them - Blue Monkey Shit and Gorilla #4 x GSC Fast (not sure what the "fast" means, that is straight off the label - could be the brand FastBuds? I bought them from Frosty Flowers a while back.

I'm looking forward to growing again. I browsed through Bunnings today looking at soil and pot options.
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