Hey legends


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Hey legends.
I've been floating around here for a few weeks,thought i might say Gday.
I'm living in NSW a hour from Canberra but cant enjoy the purks of living in the ACT,its funny how you can do something on one side of a invisible line but not on the other.Hahaha what a f@#Ked up world we live in.
Anyways long term outdoor grower on my second run indoors,first one was 9-10 years ago.Recently found myself disabled because of a chronic pain auto immune disease,turns out cannabis is the only thing that helps the pain apart from opiods.So after having a ten year brake from medicating I'm well and truly back on the band wagon.
Here for a bit of indoor advice here and there,and to just get amongst the Ausssie cannabis scene again.
First main question id like to ask everyone is if anyone is using Front Row Ag powdered nutes from Hyalite?
Talk about value for money and so far I've seen some good results from overseas growers.Anyone on here using Front Row AG?
I'm currently using ISN nutrients in hempy buckets been chasing my tail a bit with either underfeeding or over feeding but ill get that sorted.
Anyways I've dribbled more shit than a septic,so Gday everyone.
Rock on and have a awesome day.

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The Dwarf Hermie King
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I've heard of Hyalite but don't know of anyone using them! If they working for ya stick with em!!
Don't think that Canberra has any perks after what we have seen on here from our resident celebrity and the way his grow was destroyed!! Suppose it's better than going to court over plants though!


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I've heard of Hyalite but don't know of anyone using them! If they working for ya stick with em!!
Don't think that Canberra has any perks after what we have seen on here from our resident celebrity and the way his grow was destroyed!! Suppose it's better than going to court over plants though!
Hey porky,hyalite is a shop and Front Row Ag is a nutrient company.
What they raided him for his outdoor grow?
Anythings better than going to court,specially for growing a plant.
Last time i saw a judge i was given my last warning,hopefully soon it will be legal and everyones records will be wiped clean.


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Hey porky,hyalite is a shop and Front Row Ag is a nutrient company.
What they raided him for his outdoor grow?
Anythings better than going to court,specially for growing a plant.
Last time i saw a judge i was given my last warning,hopefully soon it will be legal and everyones records will be wiped clean.
Get yourself an EC meter, you won’t have under or over feeding issues if you do.
Bluelab Truncheon is about the best you can get ,,there are cheapies but you get what you pay for.


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Get yourself an EC meter, you won’t have under or over feeding issues if you do.
Bluelab Truncheon is about the best you can get ,,there are cheapies but you get what you pay for.
Ive got one,I just wasn't sure how much I was meant to be feeding in a hempy.So I was winging it,there are so many contradictory posts online on overseas sites about how much to feed hempys.I was underfeeding for a fair while there,now I'm upto 650ppm and things are finally turning around for the good.
Never stop learning growing this beautiful plant.


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Cheers Gazza, alright take it easy on me with the underfeed 2x4,I'll get there.Im trying to get a perpetual turnout going,plan is every second run will be CBD dragon from 7 east,so I can make oil and don't have to pay the hectic medical prices.Hopefully they get here safely.
In the 2x4 is cuts from the 2 plants that are outside,both freebies from mrbb same pack of beans 2 phenos.I chucked them out after the shortest day of the year to sex them turns out they where both fem. The label said stacked cookies X I'm pretty sure it was Gary payton.Im guessing it's DNA stacked Kush X Gary payton.Both nice frosty plants,specially the dark Gary pheno.
In the 2x2 is meant to be Black mimosa from elusive genetics.
2x4 will be my flower tent
2x2 will be my veg tent
Been on disability affording medical is well and truly out of my reach so I've got no choice but to GYO.
I'm dribbling again so here is a coupla pics


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