Hey everyone


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Hi all, I have a (very) small 2x3 in a wardrobe with about 240w of QB's (with dodgy water-cooling) and Coco for now (I have dwc ready to go but temps are too high for now)
I have completed a few outdoor and indoor grows but nothing with this setup
Currently waiting on seeds

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Hi secretchief, still waiting on the seeds? Who did you buy from?
Hey mate, I have some on the way from seed-city (ordered 3 weeks ago) and also have just given cannavault a go. So far CV has been great to deal with so fingers crossed there.


User ID
Good luck with the Seed City order... I've lost 2 from 2 in 2022 and they don't do resends :( Hope you have a better outcome.


User ID
Good luck with the Seed City order... I've lost 2 from 2 in 2022 and they don't do resends :( Hope you have a better outcome.
Yea a few people saying that, don't know if it's because people post images of the shipping methods to Reddit or our new terminator seed detector but I figure domestic is as bad as international at the moment.


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I can't fucking believe people are stupid enough to post pics of stealth shipping.
Fucking idiots!!
I haven't seen any pics of it, but plenty of people describing the methods. Had someone tell me the other day how it's no big deal and customs or the like don't scan websites for that sort of thing. No wozzas bud, don't whinge when ya seeds don't come through then


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Good luck with the Seed City order... I've lost 2 from 2 in 2022 and they don't do resends :( Hope you have a better outcome.
Scratch that, it's only 1 from 2!!! Turns out the last order I made with Seed City (untracked) actually did make it to my safe address. Thing is, it never made it out of my safe address, as my mate's boy cottened on to what dad's mate was actually ordering and decided he wanted them more.

Needless to say I'll leave it up to his old man do dish out the actual punishment, but I put the wind up him enough that I think he'll think twice before ripping anybody off again. He's not actually a bad kid really and once he gives me the money he now owes me, I might even give him some bag seed to practice with... don't want to put him off growing all together and him turn out like his old man :ROFLMAO:
Bubba Sis.jpgPleased as punch to finally have my paws on some Katsu gear šŸ˜


User ID
Hi all, I have a (very) small 2x3 in a wardrobe with about 240w of QB's (with dodgy water-cooling) and Coco for now (I have dwc ready to go but temps are too high for now)
I have completed a few outdoor and indoor grows but nothing with this setup
Currently waiting on seeds
Welcome! Don't be afraid to ask questions, there are a lot of pros on here ready to help.
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