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Yeah bro I only just repotted her, added a cup of cooled cow shit and some rabbit balls in the bottom of the fabric pot Too cause I thought of the extra N , I feel like I missed something bro? Should I water with a liquid nute NPK of 8:1.6:3 ?

Deleted member cpr

I'd give it a go, just a little to start. TBH I'm not the right person to be giving advice about soil grows, someone in the know would be better :)

Deleted member cpr

I think @Gazza has used soil and manutech nutes before. @Porky Is handy with soil. And of course @itchybro for phenomenal amount of info regarding organics.

Someone cluey will find this thread soon :)


Sultan Of Soil
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cheers @Cooper
lots of reasons why a plant go's yellow , you need to find the source , water would be my first thought too much too little , both will make a plant yellow

adding poo at transplant not the best of ideas , as a tip for next time , save it for top dressing cos it gives you option to remove it , top dressing is allot more forgiving than adding to soil via amendments of bottle feeding

what is the soil


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@itchybro thank you bro, and i used my own mixed soil, compost, perlite, and worm castings in the beginning then repotted to an osmocote potting mix, added %5 poo , little more perlite to air rate , some alfalfa, and down to earth 4-4-4 dry amendments but I mixed that right in and re potted not top dress, did I mess up bro?


Forum Pisshead
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I think @Gazza has used soil and manutech nutes before. @Porky Is handy with soil. And of course @itchybro for phenomenal amount of info regarding organics.

Someone cluey will find this thread soon :)
I’d advise not to use the manutek nutes in soil, can get some very bad salt crystallization. If your using osmocote potting mix with slow release ferts then I’d think it’s an over watering symptom or ph is out.

Deleted member cpr

I shall be doing soil pH right after I hook up my new Hookah with rock melon flavour and some somango buds get cooking with coals
Is it a big shisha thingo? They're good fun. I liked the melon and apple flavours.


Forum Pisshead
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I seen the story on ya friend yowie, very very 😔

Life really is a fuckin bitch sometimes, I read story’s like that and think fuck I’m lucky I do t have to live with chronic conditions such as that.


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I seen the story on ya friend yowie, very very 😔

Life really is a fuckin bitch sometimes, I read story’s like that and think fuck I’m lucky I do t have to live with chronic conditions such as that.
Worst thing was her parents would never let her try the medicinal cannabis for epileps, love her and miss her, that’s half the reason aside from my mum on why I want it legalised ASAP
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